Germany recommended not to travel to UK and called for “maximum caution” over expansion of Delta variant of coronavirus


People watch a Euro soccer match in Berlin, Germany on June 11.  REUTERS / Annegret Hilse
People watch a Euro soccer match in Berlin, Germany on June 11. REUTERS / Annegret Hilse

the German health authorities they alerted the rapid expansion of the Delta variant of the coronavirus and called for “maximum caution” from citizens, in particular with regard to UK trips, while recalling that only the complete immunization schedule provides maximum protection.

“Developments in the United Kingdom show that the first dose is not sufficient against this variant, which is more aggressive than those known so far”, warned the Minister of Health, Jens Spahn.

So far in Germany a 49.6% of citizens have received at least the first dose of a coronavirus vaccine, while 28.8% have the full schedulerecalled the minister. It’s a “A very satisfactory development”, but indicates that progress must be made to achieve maximum immunity for a high percentage of the population.

A medical assistant administers a Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine at the Revolte Bar in Berlin, Germany on June 13, 2021. REUTERS / Annegret Hilse
A medical assistant administers a Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine at the Revolte Bar in Berlin, Germany on June 13, 2021. REUTERS / Annegret Hilse

“The Delta variant mainly attacks unvaccinated population groups or those without a complete diet”, warned the president of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) of virology, Lothar Wieler. That is to say, the youngest or those who have only received the first dose.

This development is evident both in the Delta variant and in the particularly aggressive ones, as happened in Chile, Wieler stressed, “where the pandemic is affecting many young people”.

Despite the current decline in the incidence of infections, RKI authorities have insisted on maintain precautions, including using the mask in confined spaces or on public transport.

Berlin, Germany, June 13, 2021. REUTERS / Annegret Hilse
Berlin, Germany, June 13, 2021. REUTERS / Annegret Hilse

In the same sense, the Minister of Chancellery had already pronounced, Helge braun, in statements to the media group Germany Network Editor.

My biggest concern now is the extension of the Delta variant to the UK. London is one of the Eurocup sites. You don’t have to go to areas where this variant dominates», Added the Minister, referring to the semi-final and final matches of the football tournament.

According to health sources, the progress of this variant is evident in Germany. A week ago, their percentage of total infections was 3.7%, whereas now it is 6.2%.

Germany is de-escalating restrictions and public life has practically normalized in recent weeks.

People at a screening of the Berlin International Film Festival.  REUTERS / Axel Schmidt / Swimming pool
People at a screening of the Berlin International Film Festival. REUTERS / Axel Schmidt / Swimming pool

It is because of continuous decrease in the incidence of new infections. The national average on Friday was 10.3 infections in seven days and per 100,000 inhabitants, compared to 18.6 a week ago.

The peak was reached in December, with 197.6 weekly infections per 100,000 inhabitants. After being restricted for months in public life, it began to decline in a consolidated fashion around mid-April, which was followed, in May, by a cautious reopening.

In the midst of this general de-escalation, the Chancellor’s government Angela Merkel reclassified UK as the area of ​​the most aggressive variants in May, which implies the prohibition to go to this country, except in exceptional cases.

(With information from EFE)


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