Nicolás Maduro said he aspires to “rebuild relations” with the United States


Venezuela's dictator, Nicolás Maduro
Venezuela’s dictator, Nicolás Maduro

The dictator of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, assured this Friday that he aspires to “rebuild international relations” and “to rebuild the paths of dialogue” with the United States.

“Venezuela will become the land of opportunities (…) I invite American investors not to be left behind”, Maduro said in an interview for Bloomberg, collected by the newspaper ‘The universal’.

So, who has repeatedly criticized the United States government, accusing it of imperialism and even severing diplomatic relations with the country, this time he declared that he was ready to restore relations and dialogue. political, although he stressed that since the arrival of the president, Joe Biden to power has not been a change in policy towards Venezuela.

However, the tyrant insisted that he will not give in if the American country continues to point out and demands changes in domestic politics, something he sees as a “game over” in negotiations.

In addition, defended “dollarization” as “a useful safety valve” after having repeated several times in the past that in the country “there will not be and there will be no dollarization”.

Regarding Biden’s leadership, Maduro recalled that the US president had urged “not to demonize” anyone in politics, for which he demanded that the State Department “stop demonizing Venezuela, the Bolivarian revolution and the president”.

In this sense, he regretted that to date there had not been a clear signal from the American president to rebuild relations with his country.

It must be remembered that US does not recognize Maduro as president of Venezuela because he proclaimed himself as such after fraudulent election convened by a Constituent Assembly formed in an irregular manner.

“There hasn’t been a single sign of Biden. The only thing different that we have heard from some White House and State Department spokespersons is that they are accepting a political dialogue among Venezuelans, without intervention, to seek democratic political changes. “, assured.

US President Joe Biden
US President Joe Biden

Regarding the economic aspect, the Venezuelan dictator declared to have “demonstrated that it is possible to win, the financial sector knows it, the bondholders with whom we have an impeccable relationship, know that it is possible to invest in Venezuela and to win while there is no persecution and these penalties; The oil sector which has invested in Venezuela and which still has investments in Venezuela knows this, ”explains Maduro.

The dictator insisted on his demand for the lifting of the sanctions imposed for the crimes of which he is accused, which he described as “immoral and cruel” for a country, for which he considered that at a negotiating table, c is therefore private, the Biden administration should accept it.

(With information from Europa Press)


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