Man Kills Son by Throwing Him Out of Ravine to “Escape” Food Quota Payment | the Chronicle


Last Tuesday, 19-year-old murdered his one-year-old son in the town of The peace. The accused, Ramiro Barreto Lizardo, threw the baby into a barranco, where he perished for a “head traumaAccording to the Bolivian prosecutor’s office.

Jara, the mother of the child, said that at the time of the assault she was “graze their sheep and I was with the baby teaching him to walk”. It was then that Lizardo approached the two of them, beat mother seize the minor and commit infanticide.

The baby’s body was collected and transferred to La Paz for a “forensic assessment”. During this time, the father was arrested. But the nightmare was not over yet: Jara informed local media that the murderer He ran away on his way to the town of Quimes, where he had to testify before a prosecutor.

Bolivian city policemen managed to resume the subjectin twelve hours», As reported by the deputy director Hernan Romero the chain Unitel. Lizardo is already in La Paz, awaiting trial in preventive prison.

the Deputy Ministry for Equal Opportunities will pursue the case so that it is not delayed in court. The head of said portfolio, Miriam Huacani Zapana, represented the victims at the precautionary hearing last Friday. Huacani said that “we will continue in the process until we come to a conviction”. The authority also ratified the free legal assistance to the mother of the deceased until the sentence is pronounced.

I didn’t want to pay for the caregiver

The subsidy in Bolivia is 20% of the minimum wage, which today equals $ 29,882 Argentinian pesos.

But it was not the acts but the cause behind the crime that shocked the municipality of Colquiri, where the tragedy occurred:

Agree with aunt’s testimonials of the deceased minor, the young father mortally assaulted his son so as not to have to pay family help. The 20-year-old mother had previously indicated that she had not allowed Lizardo to approach her son since “would have nature problems family support”.

Bolivian law indicates that the subsidy must be equal to 20% of the minimum wage. Using the sum of the Bolivian minimum wage for 2021, we would speak of 432.80 Bolivian pesos, i.e. $ 5,979.95 Argentine pesos, in the month when the father had to pay his family.

The death of the little boy raises quince the infanticides recorded in Bolivia so far this year, including five in La Paz. The country is also observing a wave of violence against women and children, recording 56 feminicides between January 1 and June 15. The Secretary General of the State Prosecutor’s Office, Edwin quispe, ruled on the alarming problem:

We call on our population to think about eradicating gender violence, it seems that the result of this confinement due to the health situation in which we find ourselves leads to episodes of violence.“lamented the official, quoted in a press release from the Bolivian public prosecutor.


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