Argentina has climbed to eighth place in the world among the countries with the most coronavirus infections since the start of the pandemic


Argentina has climbed to eighth place in the world for countries with the most coronavirus infections since the start of the pandemic (REUTERS / Agustin Marcarian)
Argentina has climbed to eighth place in the world for countries with the most coronavirus infections since the start of the pandemic (REUTERS / Agustin Marcarian)

With the 15,361 new cases of COVID-19 recorded this Saturday, Argentina dropped the ninth position in the list of countries with the highest number of infections in the world since the start of the pandemic and he climbed to eighth place, displacing Italy from that place.

The Nation’s Ministry of Health has reported that to date 4,258,394 people have contracted the virus – 87,789 have died of the disease – since March 20, 2020. This again led Argentina to occupy 8th place, behind the United Kingdom, a country which records 4,636,923 infections.

According to the survey of the Infobae data unit, Argentina is the most complicated country in the Americas after the United States and Brazil. With these numbers, Italy came back to ninth place with 4,252,095 infections and Colombia closed the top 10 with 3,888,614.

Spain, for its part, fell to eleventh place and has 3,757,442 infected since the start of the pandemic.

Medical staff perform their work in an intensive care unit
Medical staff perform their work in an intensive care unit

The top 10 indicates that United States leads the list with 34,397,173 infections, followed by India with 29 853 870 and Brazil with 17 802 176. The rest is finished France (5,811,461), Turkey (5,365,208), Russia (5.299.215), UK (4,636,923), Argentina, Italy Yes Colombia.

If we take the number of active cases per million inhabitants, Argentina has 7,690. The mortality (per million inhabitants) is 1,916 and the case fatality is 2.06%. Regarding infections, the incidence per 100,000 inhabitants is 9,296 individuals.

This figure remains at a high level if we take into account the fact that, within the 10 countries cited, Argentina has the worst indicator after the United States.

In this context, the health authorities have indicated that the number of patients who remain hospitalized in the various intensive care units (ICU) of the country is currently 7,386, while the percentage of total occupancy of beds in adult ICUs is 74.6% nationally and 71% in the (Buenos Aires metropolitan area) AMBA.

In addition, in the last 24 hours, 77,104 tests were performed, with 20.27% positivity. Since the start of the epidemic, 15,791,124 diagnostic tests for this disease have been carried out. To date, 301,547 active positive cases have been registered nationwide and 3,868,105 recovered.

To mitigate the fight against COVID-19, the national government seeks to speed up the vaccination campaign during the winter. This is why, as reported by the Minister of Health of the Nation, Carla VizzottiThis week, just over four million doses of vaccine will arrive in the country.

Argentina seeks to speed up vaccination campaign during winter period
Argentina seeks to speed up vaccination campaign during winter period

“From Sinopharm, 2 million doses arrive in two flights. 1.1 million doses of AstraZeneca arrive from the United States on Monday; and between Friday and Monday, 1.2 million additional doses arrive to be able to continue this vaccination campaign, the most important in our history ”, declared the person in charge.

One of the two flights to China departed at noon, which will return at 7:10 p.m. on Monday. The next day and with the same schedule, it will be the turn of the next scheduled flight, which will depart under operation number AR1066, and will land in Beijing the following Tuesday at 7:10 p.m.

Since the start of the national vaccination operation, Argentina has already received 20,677,145 vaccines and among these, 9,415,745 correspond to Sputnik V (7,875,585 of component 1 and 1,540,160 of component 2), 4,000,000 to Sinopharm, 580,000 to AstraZeneca-Covishield, 1,944,000 to AstraZeneca by the mechanism COVAX and 4,737 0.400 to those of Oxford-AstraZeneca, whose active ingredient was produced in Argentina.

Photos: Juan Ignacio Roncoroni


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