A man committed suicide on line 2 of the CDMX metro


A man committed suicide on Saturday (Photo: Cuartoscuro)
A man committed suicide on Saturday (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

This afternoon around 4:40 p.m. on Metro Public transport system (STC) reported that a person jumped on the rails at the Viaducto station on the line that goes from Cuatro Caminos to Taxqueña. A few minutes later, his death was confirmed.

“Maneuvers are underway to rescue a person who apparently threw himself on the Viaducto station of line 2”, warned the public of the STC account.

We regret the death of a person who would have thrown himself on the viaduct of line 2», He posted on the same social network, a few minutes later.

A few hours earlier in a statement, the STC reported that last Friday a police officer in charge of the Chapultepec station on line 1, prevented the suicide of a man.

A policeman avoided a tragedy last Friday (Photo: Cuartoscuro)
A policeman avoided a tragedy last Friday (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

According to Citizen Security Secretariat (CSS), an element of the Banking and industrial police (PBI) helped a man who was crying on the quay towards Pantitlán. This, because he intended to kill himself.

The policeman then informed the head of the guard post and the “Saving Lives” program was activated so that in this way, the user would receive psychological attention at that time.

The STC psychologist, Natalia Canela, spoke by telephone with the user, who agreed to be referred to the Citizen Council.. Timely detection of this type of case on the platforms is part of the job of the STC’s institutional security staff, as well as the police officers assigned to guard and surveillance duties at the stations, ”the statement said.

On the other hand, he also pointed out that thanks to this program, the lives of 36 people have been saved so far this year.

This year, 36 people were rescued (Photo: Cuartoscuro)
This year, 36 people were rescued (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

In the first months of 2021, 36 people with suicidal ideation received attention from the public transit system (STC) program, Saving Lives, which has, as a first step, the function of psychologically containing users in nervous breakdown and who declare to have the intention to commit suicide while the trains pass, “he said in a statement.

The program, active since August 2016, revealed last year that during by 2020, it was possible to contain 84 people with suspected suicidal intent in the Mexico City metro.

He said the age range is between 17 and 39 years old, in addition to 65% corresponding to men and 35% to women.

Salvamos Vidas, the agency said, is a protocol that provides alternative assistance to citizens who, during their transfer to the metro facilities, are going through some kind of crisis that could put their lives in danger.

Last year 84 people were rescued (Photo: Cuartoscuro)
Last year 84 people were rescued (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

Contacting or being close to a family member and providing support is part of supporting program users.

The protocol currently maintains links with the Institute of Youth (Injuve), Locatel, the psychiatric care services of the Fray Bernardino Álvarez Hospital, the local Ministry of Health and the Citizen Council.

Among the actions, the permanent sensitization of elements of the Auxiliary Police and the Banking and Industrial Police, Line Supervisors and Institutional Security Agents, and Head of Post Inspectors stands out. The objective of the training is to master the guidelines for action in the event of the location of a person with possible suicidal ideation or an emotional crisis.


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