United States warns China that if they don’t cooperate in investigation into COVID-19 origin, they risk international isolation


File photo of the Wuhan laboratory (AFP)
File photo of the Wuhan laboratory (AFP)

The United States National Security Advisor, Jake Sullivan, warned China on Sunday that if it does not collaborate in the investigation into the origins of the coronavirus, it could find itself in a situation of “isolation”.

“What Joe Biden has done in Europe this week is unite the democratic world to speak with a common voice on this issue for the first time since the COVID epidemic. President (Donald) Trump couldn’t do it, ”Sullivan said in statements to Fox News.

Biden “got the G-7 to support a statement saying in unison that China should allow an investigation on its territory … It is a diplomatic search: to unite the nations of the world and impose a political and diplomatic pressure on China, ”he added.

In the image, White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan.  EFE / Jim Lo Scalzo / Archives
In the image, White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan. EFE / Jim Lo Scalzo / Archives

From now on, Beijing must “choose”: “Either they allow a real investigation to find out where it comes from, or they will be faced with isolation within the international community”, he explained. Additionally, Biden has the “intelligence community” and so “sheds light on how this virus got into the world,” he said.

From the start, the regime led by Xi Jinping was upset by various assumptions that placed the Wuhan Institute of Virology as the possible epicenter from which the virus that has already claimed the lives of millions of people had escaped. in the world. In recent weeks, various voices have been raised to allow further investigation of this laboratory. Among them is Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and one of the largest health authorities in the United States.

Dr Anthony Fauci, on the origin of COVID-19

At the end of May, the US president ordered US intelligence agencies to inform him within the next three months whether COVID-19 first appeared in China from an animal source or from a laboratory accident.. “As part of this report, I have requested additional areas of investigation that may be needed, including specific questions for China,” said the US head of state. It also instructed various national laboratories to assist the agencies in the investigation. “The United States will also continue to work with like-minded partners around the world to pressure China to engage in a full, transparent and evidence-based international investigation and to provide access to all relevant data and evidence, ”he said.

This is because the origin of the virus remains uncertain. Many scientists have long believed that the most likely explanation is that it passed from an animal to a person, possibly at a food market in Wuhan, China, late 2019. Animal-to-human transmission – known as zoonotic overflow – is an indigenous story common to several viruses, including Ebola and some avian influenza viruses . PBut some scientists point to another possibility: that he escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. As in other laboratories, researchers sometimes modify viruses there to understand and treat them.

In fact, 18 scientists sent a letter to the scientific journal Science in which they requested a new investigation and they described both the animal-to-human theory and the laboratory accident theory as “viable”. And three scientists who rejected the explanation for the lab leak as a conspiracy theory last year said The Wall Street Journal which they now consider credible.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has sent a fact-finding mission and is planning a second visit to clarify the origins of the virus.


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