Naftali Bennett warned Hamas that “the patient …


The Israeli Prime Minister, Naftali Bennett, he warned the Palestinian movement Hamas says “Israel’s patience is running out” and will not tolerate “more violence” of any kind, a month after the end of the last military escalation between the two parties. “The people of Gaza’s riparian communities are not second-class citizens, they deserve to live in peace and security,” Bennett said of towns that have come under rocket fire amid the conflict at the hands of Hamas. . For its part the Palestinian Authority denounced the increase in violence after the formation of the new government and accused Bennett of “emboldening” the settlers and the Israeli armed forces.

“Our enemies must understand the rules. We will not tolerate violence, we will not tolerate sporadic gunfire, and we will not tolerate renegades.”Bennett said at a ceremony on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem in remembrance of Israeli soldiers who died in the 2014 war with Gaza.

Bennett, a religious ultra-nationalist who has defended the annexation of the Palestinian territories in the past, said he would do whatever he can to recover the bodies of Israeli soldiers Oron Shaul and Hadar Goldin, who died during the 2014 campaign. He also promised repatriate Israeli captives Avera Mengistu and Hisham al-Saeed. Bennett’s comments come just days after Israel carried out airstrikes on Hamas military targets in the early hours of May 16 and 17, in response to the launch of incendiary balloons from the Strip.

This Sunday the Palestinian Authority claimed that attacks by Israeli settlers have increased since Bennett came to power, citing a series of attacks in the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem. “It appears the settlers are emboldened by the makeup of the new Israeli government and the known extremist positions of its prime minister.”the Palestinian Foreign Ministry said in a statement released by Jerusalem Post, while denouncing “greater and more severe violence” by the Israeli armed forces.


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