Where can I travel? What are the restrictions, country by country


Whether or not a person may enter a country varies depending on the traveler's country of origin (Getty)
Whether or not a person may enter a country varies depending on the traveler’s country of origin (Getty)

At the rate of the epidemiological evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic in the world, the map of countries which authorize or not the entry and exit of foreigners is evolving and is constantly updated.

Many of them continue to impose restrictions on the entry of foreigners, as part of health measures aimed at preventing the spread of SARS-CoV-2, which can affect the possibilities of reaching a destination, for example. , in the event of having to make a stopover that includes one of these countries.

“Even if It is not advisable to travel for non-essential reasons in the current situation, in case of necessity, it is recommended to Argentines and Argentines who need to travel consult frequently the websites of the embassies and consulates in Argentina where you intend to go to avoid inconvenience when planning travel, as good as it is advisable to visit the website of the International Air Transport Association (IATA) “. The recommendation of the National Directorate of Migration includes that” if you have to travel to Europe, it is advisable to visit the website in Spanish of the European Union. Reopen the EU and for those who are abroad, through the Argentinian consular representations, they will be able to check the availability of laboratories in the countries of destination which carry out PCR tests ”.

Roughly, countries could be classified as open, i.e. there are no restrictions or requirements for most travelers (16 at the time of closing this note), those who have their borders open, but with restrictions, that is, travelers who provide a negative result of a PCR or COVID-19 antigen test and / or undergo quarantine on arrival can enter (119 in total at the time of closing this note) and finally the closed territories, that is to say the territories where only citizens, residents who return to their homes or people in other special circumstances can enter. (85, including Argentina).

Most countries require a health certificate for the entry of foreigners and a negative PCR test carried out between 24 and 72 hours before travel (Getty)
Most countries require a health certificate for the entry of foreigners and a negative PCR test carried out between 24 and 72 hours before travel (Getty)

For example, on the American continent, only Mexico, the Dominican Republic and Costa Rica are open. While Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Suriname and French Guiana in Latin America, and Canada and Greenland in North America are in the “closed” category.

But this condition varies according to the country of origin of the traveler in question. For example, someone from Argentina will have their entry banned into most of the European continent, and have restricted entry into the rest. You cannot enter Albania freely.

According to the latest update from the Global Border Administration in the context of the National Directorate of Migration pandemic of April 23, Argentines can travel to Colombia in the region (After having presented a negative PCR test carried out in the 96 hours before the flight. If you cannot do it, you must take the sample on your arrival in Colombia and maintain administrative segregation until negative result or isolation compulsory for at least 14 days or the term indicated by the Health Authority), Peru (after having presented a negative molecular test at least 72 hours before the flight, and carried out a quarantine of 14 days), Brazil (accrediting a PCR test for the detection of SARS-CoV-2, with negative / non-reactive result) and Uruguayan (Only in the event of residence, and also admits other exceptions, among which family reunification, humanitarian, labor, economic, commercial or judicial reasons, for which an exceptional entry permit must be processed). In addition, to enter the neighboring country, you must download and complete an affidavit via the Coronavirus Uy app (and activate bluetooth for monitoring) and prove a negative result in the virus test carried out no later than 72 hours before the start of the trip. , or perform on-arrival analysis in mobile testing devices (PCR-RT) at points of entry into the country, at your expense.

Basically, countries could be categorized as those that are open, those that have their borders open, but with restrictions, and finally those that are closed (Getty)
Basically, countries could be categorized as those that are open, those that have their borders open, but with restrictions, and finally those that are closed (Getty)

In North America, Canada has made available an automated online questionnaire to determine if a person can enter the country. Generally speaking, an Argentinian will not be able to enter, with some exceptions (Canadian spouse, resident in Canada, for the practice of certain professions, among other exceptions). And the negative result of a PCR test for the coronavirus carried out for up to 72 hours must be presented. before the departure of the last direct flight to Canada. As To enter the United States, a negative COVID-19 certificate must be presented on arrival, issued up to three days before departure from the first point of embarkation.

In the case of Argentines who wish to travel to Europe, Germany considers Argentina a “high incidence area” of COVID-19 and does not, in general, allow the entry of Argentines, except for relatives of Germans or specific exceptions or for urgent reasons, Spain maintains travel restriction for Argentines for non-essential reasons, although in the last hours the Iberian country expects to make changes in this regard. There is a list of non-reportable reasons that are not affected by this resolution (usual residents, health professionals, diplomatic staff, among others) in which case a health control form must be submitted (48 hours before the flight) and a supporting document. PCR with a negative result carried out within 72 hours before arrival in Spain.

France, on the other hand, does not allow the entry of Argentine citizens, except for a compelling and urgent reason or residents who wish to return. (with exceptions concerning the date of departure from France). In all cases, they must present to the transport company and border control authorities the result of a virological biological screening test “COVID RT-PCR” less than 72 hours before departure (departure of the first flight in the event of correspondence and health certificate.

If a person is infected with COVID-19 while in another country, they should follow the recommendations of local authorities (Getty)
If a person is infected with COVID-19 while in another country, they should follow the recommendations of local authorities (Getty)

In Great Britain, the entry of passengers from Argentina is prohibited, except for British nationals, Irish nationals or legal residents, while Italy also does not allow Argentines to enter, except for absolutely urgent work, study or health reasons or if they are legal residents or in transit to another country. In all cases, travelers must present a completed form before boarding, a negative COVID-19 test certificate and isolation for 14 days.

The last country reported by the agency under the Ministry of the Interior is Norway, which does not allow the entry of Argentines, with a few exceptions such as being resident in Norway. In general, only resident aliens are allowed to enter. This also applies to citizens of the European Economic Area (EEA). In exceptional cases, a health card must be completed, quarantined upon arrival for 10 days in a designated hotel, even for residents, with the exception of those who come from certain European countries with low transmission and present a negative COVID -19 certificate made within 24 hours of admission.

If a person is infected with COVID-19 while in another country, they should follow the recommendations of local authorities, such as hospitalization, isolation and testing in this country. Also, be sure to contact your health insurer and travel provider and inform them of the situation.

And in the hypothetical event that the country of origin closes its borders, you may need to change the return date and try to return as soon as possible.


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