Alicia Arango contradicts Michelle Bachelet: “when she says that there are 54 deaths from unemployment she is wrong”


Pictured: Alicia Arango.  (Colprensa - lvaro Tavera)
Pictured: Alicia Arango. (Colprensa – lvaro Tavera)

This Tuesday, the Colombian ambassador to the UN, Alicia arango, broke the silence on the national strike and the social crisis that Colombia is going through, but to correct the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, who shared figures on what the country has gone through in the midst of the national strike.

During his speech to the delegations of the 47 member states of this international body, Bachelet mentioned Colombia in the report of the inaugural session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva. The high commissioner’s office said 56 deaths (54 civilians and 2 police officers) had been confirmed during protests against Iván Duque’s government, which began on April 28, and He called for the right to peaceful assembly to be fully respected “and encouraged” a dialogue that resolves the crisis “.

After this intervention, Arango, who is also in Geneva, reacted and said that The reality of the country due to the demonstrations was not detailed and the figure given by the commissioner to the deceased is not correct.

“In this regard, we have several issues that need to be clarified. First, the wrong number of people killed in the strike, as it has been proven so far that there are 24 people who died, but 19 did not die from the strike and 11 are under investigation “, says Arango.

“When Ms. Bachelet says that there are 54 dead because of the strike, she is wrong and it hurts the country, because what the country wants is the truth, not to continue working on rumors”, added the Colombian official.

Arango also indicated that he demanded “that every victim, not only of murder, of homicide, come from anyone, but from every act of violence that is carried out against any person”, these are people who have a first and last name, For whom “Throwing numbers in the air without any verification is fair neither for the victims nor for Colombia.

This is not the first time that Michelle Bachelet has launched this type of appeal to the Colombian government. On May 30, 14 people lost their lives as a result of violence during protests.

That day, according to the international organization, 98 people were injured, 54 of them by bullets.

“The High Commissioner stressed that her office had received information about armed individuals, including a judicial police officer on leave, who had fired at demonstrators, journalists covering the protests and passers-by. The judicial police officer in question was beaten to death by the mob. According to information received, in some areas of the city, individuals shot at demonstrators in the presence of police “he said in a statement.

According to the report from the Cali mayor’s office, 13 people died that day, eight were victims of firearms, two by sharp objects and one by “other weapons”. These numbers have increased over the days.

“These events are all the more worrying given the progress that had been made in resolving social unrest through dialogue after the launch of a national strike against various social and economic policies of the government.”, He said Bachelet.

The high commissioner and former president of Chile called for rapid progress in justice to counter acts of violence. “It is essential that all those who have allegedly caused injury or death, including state officials, are investigated promptly, effectively, independently, impartially and transparently, and that those responsible are held to account. be accountable to the law.“, He assured.


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