A 6.0 magnitude earthquake shook Peru’s capital


Police stand guard after the presidential run-off on June 6 in Lima, Peru on June 7, 2021. REUTERS / Liz Tasa
Police stand guard after the presidential run-off on June 6 in Lima, Peru on June 7, 2021. REUTERS / Liz Tasa

A strong earthquake measuring 6.0 on the Richter scale rocked Peru’s central coast on Tuesday, including its capital Lima, without any reports of personal or material damage at this time, according to the Geophysical Institute of Peru (IGP).

El temblor is registered at 21:54 hora local (2:54 GMT del miércoles 23) y epicentro is located at 33 kilómetros in el oceano Pacífico, at 33 kilómetros al suroeste of the localidad costera de Mala, ubicada at 91 kilómetros al sur Lime.

The telluric movement originated at a depth of 32 kilometers from the sea surface, which in Mala, the town closest to the epicenter, was felt with great intensity, 5th grade on the Mercalli scale.

At first it was reported that the tremor had a magnitude of 5.8 degrees, but later it was corrected by the IGP itself.

The event did not generate any tsunami warning on the Peruvian coast, as specified by the Directorate of Hydrography and Navigation of the Peruvian Navy.

Epicenter of the earthquake in Peru
Epicenter of the earthquake in Peru

In the event of an earthquake, the local authorities of the National Institute of Civil Protection (Indeci) recommend acting calmly and identifying safe areas inside and outside the house, in order to avoid bodily injury to regret.

In addition, they suggest Have an emergency bag with tools, portable radio, and canned non-perishable staples.

Many people from Lima took to the streets because of the strong earthquake, journalists from the AFP, while the hydrographic service indicated that there was no risk of a tsunami.

“It was very strong, it shook the whole house, we had to go outside”, said to AFP Julia Lázaro Rodriguez, 60 years old.

On the Green Coast, the Lima seafront, some rocks fell from the 80 meter high cliffs, indicated the Channel N from the television.

“It was very strong, but nothing happened, we are fine”said to AFP the retired Julio López, from the Lima district of Surco.

Meanwhile, a woman from Bellavista, from the port of Callao, adjacent to Lima, told the radio RPP that the earthquake had been “very strong [y] some photos have fallen ”in the house.

Peru is shaken each year by at least a hundred earthquakes perceptible by the population, because it is located in what is known as the Pacific Ring of Fire, an area of ​​extensive land-based activity that stretches along the western coast of the Americas and where about 85 percent of the world’s seismic activity is recorded.

The earthquake came as Peru is on hold over the national election jury’s deadline to resolve disputes over the June 6 ballot votes between right-wing candidate Keiko Fujimori and leftist Pedro Castillo, and proclaim the new president .

(With information from EFE and AFP)


An earthquake was recorded 4.9 to 15 kilometers from Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca
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