President Joe Biden suffered first setback in Senate: Republican bloc rejected electoral reform bill


Senate rejected President Joe Biden's legal proposal
Senate rejected President Joe Biden’s legal proposal

the United States Senate rejected an electoral reform bill promoted by President Joe Biden. The proposal, known as the “Law for the People” (Law for the People), was promoted as an initiative to protect the vote among the Hispanic and African American population.

One of the priorities of President Biden’s administration collapsed when the block democrat he did not obtain a majority of 60 votes in the Senate to advance the reform.

“This is not the end of this bill, it is only the beginning,” Democratic Senator Amy Klobuchar said before the vote. He promised to schedule hearings and promote the proposal to build support for the project, And that I can move forward with some changes at another time

The debate was attended by the Vice President of that country, Kamala Harris, as a sign of importance to the government. Harris was appointed by President Biden to be in charge of guaranteeing the voting rights of minorities.

Vice President Kamala Harris attended the debate from the Upper House
Vice President Kamala Harris attended the debate from the Upper House

I propose

Electoral reform aimed to thwart voting restrictions imposed by Republicans at the state level, with the approval of 14 laws that limit the suffrage of Hispanic and African American minorities. The bill was a priority on the US president’s agenda, in its search for a rapprochement with the populations least inclined to go to the polls.

The conservatives assure that their objective is to stop the irregularities, But Democrats believe their real goal is to end the checks that kept former President Donald Trump (2017-2021) from overturning the results of the 2020 presidential election, which Biden won.

“Are we going to let the most dishonest former president in our history continue to poison our democracy from within?” Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer asked in reference to Trump.

The United States Senate opposed President Biden's proposal
The United States Senate opposed President Biden’s proposal

Before the vote, several Republican senators felt the bill would reduce the power of states to regulate elections and criticized several points of its content, such as the possibility for voters to register on election day.

“It would mean letting the federal government take control of our electoral system, which has always been under state rule, ”Republican Senator Rob Portman said before the vote.

An expected result

The bill was passed by the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives, but was condemned in the Senate., divided 50-50 between Democrats and Republicans and where the weak Democratic majority is ensured by the vote of Vice President Kamala Harris.

The initiative did not reach the necessary 60 votes pass the procedural vote that would allow its examination.

First setback of the American president in the Senate
First setback of the American president in the Senate

The Leader of the Democrats in the Senate, Chuck Schumer criticized his rivals for seeking a “blatant” partisan electoral advantage.

Schumer said Republicans, well aware that Trump believes postal voting and other options for exercising the right to vote led to his defeat, “They are deliberately targeting all the ways that younger, poorer, non-white, and distinctively Democratic voters can vote.”

(With information from EFE)


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