Unusual: he threw the sofa out the window and almost killed a neighbor who was leaving | the Chronicle


A man from Istanbul, Turkey, was on the verge of becoming a murderer and it was in his own words “by wave”. Anyone would say he took the phrase from “Throw the house out the window“is that decided to throw his old three piece sofa off the balcony and almost run over a woman.

Depending on the subject, identified as Mesut DuranHe bought a new chair and was too lazy to take it down the stairs, so he decided to throw it out of his house window. “I bought a new sofa and had to put this one down but I was too lazy to do it on the stairs so I looked out the window and as no one was coming threw itHe told local media.

The problem was that just then a woman was leaving the building and was saved inches from being crushed by the furniture. The building’s security cameras captured the exact moment of the fall and the woman’s surprise.

My neighbor was lucky enough to escape because she would be dead. I almost became a murderer“Durán lamented.

What caught the attention in this story is that far from getting angry or at least insulting him, the neighbor only manages to look up, greet him and continue on his way.

The case of the porn actress

Definitely, this episode, which could well be from a cartoon, is not the first. Last year, a young russian woman who was shooting an erotic video threw two tires out the window, with such bad luck that they ended up on the head of a teenage girl who passed through the square from time to time and it ended in serious injuries.

The footage showed Viktoria, a 22-year-old model, naked, tossing various objects from the balcony. The theme of the video wanted to imitate a fight between her and her husband, and that in anger, she threw her things into the void. “I throw it away. I promised to throw it away. Lift the camera. It’s better that way“Viktoria said a few seconds before dropping the Ferris wheel through a window.

It is not known how this case ended, but at the time, Russian police said they had carried out an investigation for “”neglect and serious damage to healthAs he dropped the two car tires from a window in his apartment building in Moscow.

Watch the video of falling off the couch


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