What place does Buenos Aires occupy in the ranking of cities according to the cost of living?


In the third, Beirut climbed 42 places in the ranking following a severe and widespread economic recession. Tokyo and Zurich lost a place, went from third and fourth place -respectively- to fourth and fifth.


For its part, in Latin America, Saint Jean (89) is once again positioned as the most expensive city in the region.

The geography is dominated by cities like Port of Spain (91), which is the second most expensive city, followed by Port-au-Prince (92), which climbs 83 places overall. In the 2020 ranking, Buenos Aires had been in position 153, while this year is 168.

“It is important to mention that the ranking behaves naturally and undergoes movements every year”, detailed the mobility practice manager for Mercer Argentina Agustina Resano.

In turn, he explained that a city does not become more expensive or less expensive in itself, but rather analyze the cost of your expatriate basket in relative terms compared to other cities.

“The cost of living has always been a factor to take into account when planning international mobility; however, the pandemic has added a new level of complexity, in addition to the long-term consequences related to employee health and safety, remote work policies and flexibility, among other considerations, ”concluded the president of the Career practice and chief strategy officer for Mercer . Ilya Bonic.

Data provided by Mercer help employers understand the importance of controlling currency fluctuations and assessing inflationary pressures.

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