Little girl had her face cut during cesarean section and had to have 13 stitches


Little girl had her face cut during cesarean section and had to have 13 stitches

It happened in Denver, United States. According to the parents, the doctors argued that Kyanni’s face was very close to the placenta. The family will file a complaint against the hospital: “We have never seen anything like this.”

A newborn baby in Denver, US, received thirteen stitches after an emergency cesarean left her with a huge cut to her face.

Kyanni Williams’ parents had planned a natural delivery, but doctors suggested emergency intervention: They argued that they had not heard the baby’s heartbeat while the mother had been in labor since. many hours.

“They said our baby made a sudden movement, that they couldn’t hear her heart beat and took her for an immediate Cesarean,” said her father, Damarqus Williams. And he added, “They said her face was close to the wall of the placenta.”

Kyanni and her mother Reazjhana were treated at Denver Health Hospital, located in this city in the state of Colorado. Astonishment took hold of Kyanni’s wife and father once the baby came out: she had a huge cut that covered her entire face and they had to make 13 stitches on her.

In statements cited by the New York Post, Kyanni’s grandfather Walter Williams said his joy at the baby’s arrival was interrupted by his feelings of fear, anger and frustration.

“That your granddaughter was born to have to see the plastic surgeon directly and do 13 stitches is devastating. It’s really heartbreaking, ”the man described. She added, “I have never heard of anyone having to take care of their baby’s face after a Caesarean. I’ve never seen anything like it. “

The family launched a GoFundMe page to raise funds to hire a lawyer and explore options for taking legal action. “They (the doctors and the hospital) have to be accountable for what they’ve done,” said the baby’s grandmother, Tashaira Williams.



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