The tense moment a presenter experienced amid the strong earthquake that rocked Lima


Journalist Alvina Ruiz, host of the television news of Canal N in Peru, lived a few minutes of great pressure in the middle of a live interview, a 6.0 magnitude earthquake began to be recorded on the Richter scale, which rocked Lima and several towns in its vicinity.

The communicator was speaking live with the electoral expert and director of the Peruvian Institute of Electoral Law, José Manuel Villalobos, when suddenly it is possible to appreciate the movement of the cameras and equipment of the recording studio, following the earthquake.

“Peace of mind right now. An earthquake occurs. It’s pretty strong. Viewers should remain calm. It’s going to happen, calm down. We practiced the exercises several times “Ruiz said amid the strong earthquake.

Despite the thunderous sound that can be appreciated by the tremors, The journalist kept her cool and continued to address the viewers she invited to remain calm in the midst of the crisis generated by this type of phenomenon., while giving them advice on how to act in the midst of this situation.

Peruvian journalist Alvina Ruiz during the earthquake in Peru
Peruvian journalist Alvina Ruiz during the earthquake in Peru

“Gentlemen please, emergency backpack handy, it will happen so calm down, if you are in a (risky) area, seek the utmost protection, keep calm, it will happen. already happening, please from here we ask for peace “, said the reporter in the middle of the earthquake.

At first the movement begins with little intensity and Ruiz from that moment alerts both the guest, with whom he speaks digitally, and the viewers that a strong movement is occurring. As the shaking increases in intensity, It is possible to see Villalobos’ screen shaking with great force and coming out of the air, as the reporter gets up a bit from her chair, produces nervousness of the moment, but immediately sits back down and continues to walk. speak by inviting the people not to despair.

The shaking was recorded at 21:54 local time (2:54 GMT on Wednesday 23) as can be seen even on the screen of the Channel N and the epicenter was located 33 kilometers in the Pacific Ocean, 33 kilometers southwest of the coastal town of Mala, located 91 kilometers south of Lima.

Epicenter of the earthquake in Peru
Epicenter of the earthquake in Peru

The telluric movement originated at a depth of 32 kilometers from the sea surface, which in Mala, the town closest to the epicenter, was felt with great intensity, 5th grade on the Mercalli scale.

At first it was reported that the tremor had a magnitude of 5.8 degrees, but later it was corrected by the IGP itself.

The event did not generate any tsunami warning on the Peruvian coast, as specified by the Directorate of Hydrography and Navigation of the Peruvian Navy.

Many people from Lima took to the streets because of the strong earthquake, journalists from the AFP, while the hydrographic service indicated that there was no risk of a tsunami.

Peru is shaken each year by at least a hundred earthquakes perceptible by the population, because it is located in what is known as the Pacific Ring of Fire, an area of ​​extensive land-based activity that stretches along the western coast of the Americas and where about 85 percent of the world’s seismic activity is recorded.

The earthquake came as Peru is on hold over the national election jury’s deadline to resolve disputes over the June 6 ballot votes between right-wing candidate Keiko Fujimori and leftist Pedro Castillo, and proclaim the new president .


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