Extreme tension in the Black Sea: Russian ship and bomber fired warning shots at British destroyer


British HMS Defender during maneuvers off Istanbul, Turkey, in file photo (Reuters)
British HMS Defender during maneuvers off Istanbul, Turkey, in file photo (Reuters)

A Russian warship fired warning shots on Wednesday to force a British destroyer out of Russian waters near Crimea. in the Black Sea, as reported by Russian Ministry of Defense.

The ministry said the Russian warship fired warning shots after British guided-missile destroyer Defender ignored warning against intrusion into Russian territorial waters. He said that a Russian Su-24 bomber also dropped bombs in front of the British ship to persuade it to change course.

HMS Defender “He received a preliminary warning that weapons would be used if the state borders of the Russian Federation were violated. He did not react to the warning ”, said the ministry quoted by the news agency Interfax.

According to the ministry, the incident occurred in front of the coast of Cape Fiolent in Crimea, that Russia annexed Ukraine in 2014.

The Russian Defense Ministry added that “A border patroller fired warning shots” then a Su-24 plane launched four bombs along the destroyer’s path.

The ministry said the ship left Russian waters after the gunfire.

After the incident, the Ministry of Defense of Russia summons British military attaché, reported Interfax.

the UK Ministry of Defense did not immediately respond to a request for comment from the agency The Associated Press. The Royal Navy said in early June that HMS Defender had “cleared” its strike group conducting NATO operations in the Mediterranean to conduct “its own set of missions” in the Black Sea.

The incident involved the first time since the Cold War that Moscow has used live ammunition to deter a NATO warship, reflecting the growing tensions between Russia and the West.

Russia the Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea in 2014, a movement that was not recognized by most countries in the world.

Members of NATO Turkey, Greece, Romania and Bulgaria are in the Black Sea, But warships from the United States, the United Kingdom and other NATO allies have also made increasingly frequent visits in support of Ukraine.

Russia for his part, he frequently criticized the presence of these ships in the Black Sea, calling it destabilizing.

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