Moscow has reported its highest number of daily deaths from COVID-19 since the start of the pandemic


Disinfection at a Moscow train station (Reuters)
Disinfection at a Moscow train station (Reuters)

The capital of Russia, Moscow, on Wednesday reported about 90 deaths from the coronavirus in the last day, the highest figure since the start of the pandemic, amid a rebound in recent days that has prompted local authorities to impose a new set of restrictions.

The National Coronavirus Operational Center said there have been 17,594 infections and 548 deaths nationwide in the past 24 hours, bringing the totals to 5,368,513 and 130,895, respectively.

So, he pointed out that Moscow reported 6,534 positives and 88 deathsAlthough the city of Saint Petersburg was the one that confirmed the most deaths in the last day, with 93 deaths, according to the Sputnik agency.

On the other hand, the agency pointed out that to date, 4,902,110 people have recovered from COVID-19, including 12,660 in the past 24 hours. In the capital, 3,670 patients were discharged from the hospital, as the latest report indicates.


New restrictions

The Moscow authorities announced on Tuesday that they were imposing from June 28 a health pass to go to a restaurant, a measure that aims to stop the spread of COVID-19 due to the Delta variant.

Residents of the Russian capital will have to download from the city’s website a QR code confirming that they have been vaccinated, have been infected within the past six months, or have tested negative for a PCR test within three days, Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said on his website.

Temporary hospital in a Moscow colosseum (Reuters)
Temporary hospital in a Moscow colosseum (Reuters)

According to the authorities, this epidemic is due to the Delta variant, which appeared in India, and which affects nearly 90% of new patients, according to Sobianin a few days ago. The epidemic was favored by a slow vaccination campaign, due to the mistrust of the Russians, the absence of restrictions for months and the non-respect of the rules of distancing and wearing of the mask.

On Friday, the mayor announced the decision to reduce the capacity of public performances to 1,000. “I didn’t want to do it, but I have no choice. From today we will limit the capacity of the shows to a thousand people ”, he underlined.

Sobianin also revealed that the closure of restaurants in shopping malls is extended until June 29, when between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m. (local time) bars and restaurants in the capital will only be able to serve take-out or home meals. .

(With information from Europa Press and AFP)


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