Finland is looking for foreign workers: most wanted jobs


The government of Finland has indicated that in order to solve this problem and the future demographic crisis, it needs to a migratory balance of 20 to 30 thousand people in order to keep your public services and as well geriatric care , while being able to compensate for the deficit of the pension system.

In this research, four years ago the Finnish government launched the Talent enhancement program increase the professional attractiveness of the country.

What jobs are you looking for in Finland?


Among the most requested professionals are:

  • Personal health
  • Metallurgists
  • IT specialists or maritime experts

The main problems of migration to Finland


Although “the happiest country in the world” benefits from its low level of crime and inequality, it also has its drawbacks when a foreigner decides to go to live and work in Finland.

The main problems encountered by foreigners when arriving in the Scandinavian country are: the language, the climate and a certain “stubbornness” in companies understand and facilitate the experience of those who are not native.

As a main requirement in several companies the use of fluent Finnish This is one of the main points to be able to function.

Due to a lack of manpower, some companies have sought solutions, such as in the case of a growing tech factory that was able to hire 2,000 people in six months afterwards. make English a working language.

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