Police cried inconsolably after killing 19-year-old girl with three shots | the Chronicle


A police officer in Michigan, United States, cried inconsolably after shooting and killing a 19-year-old girl, who was apparently going to open fire on him, in the middle of a local festival. The Flint Police Department released a statement regarding the video posted to Twitter by two women who witnessed the events.

The incident took place around 2:15 p.m. Tuesday, when the officer directed traffic in a celebratory parade, Michigan State Police told local media.

The video has gone viral on Twitter and shows how the officer doesn’t collapse on his knees and then takes his face with his hands when he sees how he killed the young woman, identified as Briana Sykes, in a parade held to commemorate a relevant date in this country.

Additionally, another officer can be seen comforting him with a pat on the back to the distraught officer, who is heartbroken.

“No policeman expects to use lethal force”, a Michigan State Police spokesperson told Fox News, who claimed that “The emotional impacts of an incident like this are considerable”.

In addition, witnesses to confirmed events Fox 2 Detroit that there were children in the parade, so they somehow justified the actions of the policeman, who prevented another tragedy from happening in which adults and minors were involved.


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