Coronavirus: which variants circulate the most in Argentina


According to the latest SARS CoV-2 genomic surveillance report from the Ministry of Health, the circulation of the Gamma variant of the coronavirus, also known as Manaus, is now predominant throughout Argentina.

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The data recorded by the National Institute of Infectious Diseases (INEI) of Anlis-Malbrn, establish that, according to the 1077 samples of people without travel history to an international destination, the most common variants in all regions of the country are: Manaus (Gamma) with 41%; Andina (Lambda) with 37% and the British (Alpha) with 14%.

Analysis indicated that nationwide of total (sequenced samples) about 52% correspond to worrying variants.

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Simultaneously, from January to June 14, 248 samples from travelers who entered the country and tested positive were performed by genomic sequencing.

And it has been identified that in 89 cases the worrying Gamma variant was found among travelers from Mexico, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia and Paraguay.

In 55 cases where the Alpha variant was isolated (UK), travelers came from the US, Mexico, Spain, Bangladesh, Panama and Paraguay.

And for the Beta (South Africa) and Delta (India) variants, there were two cases, one in Spain and one in the United States..

According to the percentage distribution of samples corresponding to priority and non-priority variants in travelers, 36% correspond to Gamma; 22% to Alpha; 6% to Lambda, while 28% to non-priority variants.


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