Great Place to Work: which are the best SMEs to work for in Argentina


The S1Gateway team, the SME at the top of the Best Places to Work ranking
The S1Gateway team, the SME at the top of the Best Places to Work ranking

This year, for the first time, an edition of the traditional ranking The Best Places to Work (Great place to work) for SMEs, which highlighted 20 local employers in this segment. More than 800 people from 58 companies and the first three places went to the companies S1Gateway, Brain Technology and Growketing.

“We wanted to differentiate them from the rest of the large companies that make up our ranking. But above all, because the smallest are the great generators of jobs at the same time as an essential pillar of the social and economic development of the country ”, they underlined from Great place to work, an organization specializing in work culture that has been conducting surveys around the world since 1992. This is the first time that it has compiled a list of this segment of companies at the local level.

The survey helped to dispel the false belief that smaller companies have rudimentary people management processes, have difficulty planning for the long term, or lack the resources to attract and retain talent.

The survey helped to dispel the false belief that smaller companies have rudimentary people management processes, have difficulty planning for the long term, or lack the resources to attract and retain talent. “While this is true for most small businesses, it is not always true. It doesn’t matter the size, but the determination with which they manage the experience of their collaborators”, Underlined the report.

For SMEs, employees are the most competitive resource they have. And of Great place to work They warn that they must be managed by developing quality links. “It is said that SMEs have less planning capacity, that they are more subject to the vagaries of the economy, that their salary structures are less competitive as well as the advantages they can bring. In turn, it is said that large companies have a greater capacity to invest in their employees. However, in these small companies, the perception of employees is contrary to both these assessments and the data that usually accompany this look, ”they stressed.

Top20 logos
Top20 logos

For example, 89% of those surveyed in the SME ranking indicated that bosses do a good job in assigning and coordinating people and have a clear vision of where the organization is going and how to do it. achieve it. In the national ranking, this percentage was 79 percent.

In the case of wages, 73% of those polled in the SME ranking said people are paid fairly for the work they do. In the national ranking, the result was 58 percent. For services, 83% of the SMEs surveyed indicated that they received training or other forms of development to develop their jobs. While in the overall standings the number was 78 percent.

89% of those surveyed in the SME ranking indicated that bosses do a good job in assigning and coordinating people and have a clear vision of where the organization is going and how to get there

“We created the company to work and grow while enjoying the trip. We’ve never been so focused on billing numbers and goals and making money. We focus on creating a place where we can have fun and people can freely do what they love.. When someone is good at their job, the best thing is that they are calm and unfold their potential without anyone controlling them, ”he said. Leonard Sujoluzky, co-founder and partner of S1Gateway, an 11-year-old company dedicated to the development and export of software. They have 70 employees. It is the first SME in the ranking.

“They never come to ask us for an increase, we are always available to the employee, we make sure that he is well”, added the partner of the company. “We always work remotely. Last December we opened offices in City Bell and in March we had to close them. We are used to teleworking; we are in many different places such as Tucumán, Mar del Plata or Buenos Aires and we also have employees working in Mexico, Spain, Colombia and Italy, ”he said.

The employees of Growketing, another of the SMEs highlighted in the ranking
Employees of Growketing, another of the SMEs highlighted in the ranking

“We have known for a long time that our company is a good place to work. We have virtually no rotation, the people who come to work stay. The commitment is to hire well, add talent and be very careful. We are growing a lot and for our company the most important are the people, we have no physical structure, we have no stock or machines. We have people who already have a trip and know what they want. We do not have control leaders, but leaders who lead the way and facilitate the task, ”Sujoluzky concluded.

“We are growing a lot and for our company the most important are the people, we have no physical structure, we have no stock or machines” (Sujoluzky)

The firm Brain Technology, dedicated to technology consulting and present in the region and in Europe, obtained second place.

“We want our employees to feel comfortable and work where they want, whether it is an office, home or a bar for example, and achieve a balance between family and work, by putting the family on work. We understand that these freedoms do not affect individual productivity, but rather enhance them, ”he said. Federico coronda, partner and commercial director.

Federico Coronda, partner and commercial director of Brain Technology
Federico Coronda, partner and commercial director of Brain Technology

“In addition, we try to ensure that all the people who belong to the company participate in one way or another in the projects that we carry out, because they are part of the results and the achievements that we obtain. We are aware that without them we would not be where we are, ”he said.

Third place in the ranking goes to Growketing, a performance agency that ranks among the top in Latin America. It emerged during the pandemic on the initiative of a group of former Google employees and entrepreneurs eager to create a space they would like to work in.

For SMEs, employees are the most competitive resource they have. And from Great Place to Work they warn that they must be managed by the development of quality links

This SME has a 100% remote modality but geared towards human resources themselves. “We define ourselves as business amplifiers and we apply it even within our company, where we develop different e-commerce projects that generate additional income,” they explained.

From the SME, they underlined that they generate lifelong learning spaces with trainings on various subjects (from public speaking, presentation with clients to new technologies in advertising media). “In addition, we try to generate forums for dialogue, exchange and constant feedback: we have recurring one-to-one meetings with the team leaders and each of the people who are part of the agency. To this, we add a weekly meeting during which we share as a team all the progress of each project, learning and periodic moments of relaxation, to get to know each other better, ”they detailed.

Within the company, communication takes place through tools such as Telegram and Slack, with groups differentiated by customers, to separate each of the projects and personal issues.


According to the survey methodology, in order to determine the best workplaces for SMEs in Argentina, anonymous responses to surveys representing more than 800 people were analyzed and employees answered questions describing the extent to which their organization creates a Great Place to Work For All.

Thus, “the total score that the company receives is made up of what it obtains in the 5 components of the Model: Trust, Maximizing Human Potential, Values, Effective Leadership and Innovation. Each of these elements is made up of certain sentences from the questionnaire ”.

85% of the rating is based on what employees say about their experiences of trust and the ability they achieve in their organization to reach their maximum human potential, no matter who they are or what they do. And the remaining 15% of the ranking is based on employees’ responses to their daily experiences of innovation, the values ​​of the company and the effectiveness of its leaders, to ensure that they too have consistent experience.

The complete list

Here are the 20 places in the list of the best workplaces for SMEs in Argentina 2021:

1 – S1 gateway

2 – brain technology

3 – Growketing

4 – House of code


6 – Ojam Bullrich Flanzbaum


8 – Adbot

9 – Amplify

10 – Computer generation

11 – Bioaggil

12 – Sorry

13 – Nubiral

14 – Lightech

15 – Prosumie

16 – Macene

17 – Interior

18 – Moby Digital

19 – Monzon study

20 – Red dot

The full ranking (with the profile of each company) can be viewed here.


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