We prepare for more bad news


Additionally, De Santos said rescuers were able to save many people and said it was a “very tragic” situation.

“We do not know if the building has been compromised in its structure, now we are committed to saving people who could be trapped. We only have the firefighters to find and rescue the survivors,” he said.

On the other hand, the governor of Florida declared that it was necessary “to give place to those who were evacuated”, and stressed that, for this, they have the help of the International Red Cross and the authorities of the county. from Miami Dade.

“The firefighters have once again stood up to save lives, the city of Miami has a great work team,” concluded De Santis.

Likewise, Miami Dade Mayor Daniella Levine Cava has confirmed that all surrounding buildings have been evacuated so rescuers can work serenely as they look for sounds and any traces the search dogs might perceive among the rubble.

“Of the hundreds of people living so far, only one has died. We hope we can save more people, the firefighters are working together with dogs and other forces to achieve the goal,” the official said and said. clarified that all the evacuees who are in a county center and a church, “they will receive food, clothing and everything they need.”

The mayor of the county of Yumi- Dade added: “What we do know is that half of a 12-story building with 144 units has collapsed and rescue teams are working. We are trying to identify some people and also rescue those that could still be trapped, “Mayor Levine Cava told a press conference a few meters from the incident.

For his part, Miami-Dade emergency management chief Frank Rollason said in a dialogue with the Miami Herald newspaper that “Rescuers believe they removed all the living from inside the tower”.

Then, the mayor thanked “the tasks of the firefighters, who have been working since dawn and doing the impossible within their reach”.

Meanwhile, at the same press conference, the Miami Police Commissioner assured that “it is a very sad day for our community, that is why we send our prayers to the people who are suffering from the disappearance of their families. loved ones, I enjoy the work of rescue tasks “.

“What we can do is help with whatever is needed, but the main thing is the people who are suffering,” he added.

For her part, Erica Benítez, spokesperson for the Miami fire department, said that “this morning several calls were received for the collapse of part of a building, about 45 apartments and that they are working to locate the people who could be trapped “:

“In the collapsed area we have 10 injured, two of whom were transferred to hospital, and a total of 35 people inside have already been rescued,” said the spokeswoman, who also assured: “We do not have the total number of missing persons, which is why we ask those who cannot contact their family members to let us know.”

This complex of buildings that adjoins Miami Beach, and a few blocks from the neighborhood known as “little Buenos Aires”, where many Argentines who emigrated in 2001 reside, was built in the 1980s and was under review. , as explained by the neighbors, which is done by regulation at 40 years in the building structures.

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