Diosdado Cabello announced that Nicolás Maduro’s regime uncovered cases of judicial corruption in Venezuela


Diosdado Cabello (EFE / Miguel Gutiérrez / Archives)
Diosdado Cabello (EFE / Miguel Gutiérrez / Archives)

The number two considered of the Chavismo and in charge of the judicial reform ordered by the Executive, God gave the hair, indicated on Wednesday that the regime uncovered cases of judicial corruption and announced that they will start attending.

This is part of our criticism and self-criticism, we have discovered levels of judicial corruption that need to be addressed (…) services that should be free have been dollarizedSaid Cabello, who is also an MP, in his program With the Gavel Donner.

The president also of the commission who will make a “judicial revolution“He added that he planned to start the visit on Friday”by all the provisional prison enclosures in the country”.

Last Monday, the dictator of Venezuela, Nicolas maduro, announced the creation of a commission, chaired by Cabello, to carry out a “judicial revolution” within 60 days.

As vice-chairman of the committee, he appointed his wife, also a Member of Parliament Cilia flores and as executive secretary of the magistrate Lourdes Suarez Anderson.

As vice-chairman of the committee, Maduro appointed his wife, also MP Cilia Flores (REUTERS / Manaure Quintero)
As vice-chairman of the committee, Maduro appointed his wife, also MP Cilia Flores (REUTERS / Manaure Quintero)

The president made this appointment after declaring that in Venezuela “It is necessary“Build a”deep and accelerated revolution of national justice”.

The commission, Maduro explained, must resolve overcrowding in pre-trial detention centers within 60 days and ensure the passage of detainees from these centers to prisons.

The Venezuelan executive has been interested in prisons for more than a month.

On May 12, a decree was published in the Official Journal stipulating that the authorities of the Directorate of Military Counterintelligence (DGCIM) and the Bolivarian National Intelligence Service (Sebin) should “transfer to the Ministry of People’s Power for the Prison Service. ‘exercise of the functions of custody of persons deprived of their liberty, within a period of thirty (30) days ”.

The situation prompted the opposition to reject it, as they stressed that it involved the transfer of “political prisoners” to common prisons.

(With information from the EFE)


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