Three dead, several injured after knife attack in German city of Würzburg


Three people died and several were injured in an attack perpetrated by a person of Somali origin with a knife, this Friday in the German city of Würzburgthe police reported.

“The perpetrator was reduced after the police used guns. There are several wounded and dead “police communicated via Twitter. According to the daily Bild, without citing sources, the attacker used a knife, with which he killed at least three people and injured six others.

According to the newspaper PhotoWithout citing sources, the assailant used a knife with which he killed at least three people and injured six others. Police injured his legs, the newspaper said.

The police, who made it clear in their tweet that there was no other attacker, launched a large deployment in the center of the Bavarian city.

Suspected Islamists have carried out several attacks in Germany in recent years, the deadliest was the shock of a truck in a Berlin Christmas market in December 2016, during which 12 people died. The Tunisian aggressor, a rejected asylum seeker, He was a supporter of the Islamic State jihadist group.

More recently, one man was killed and another seriously injured in a Islamist knife attack in the city of Dresden in October. In May, a 20-year-old Syrian jihadist was sentenced to life in prison for the homophobic attack.

In August, six people were injured in a series of motorway accidents in Berlin in what prosecutors described as a suspected Islamist attack.

The number of Islamists considered dangerous in Germany increased sharply between 2015 and 2018, according to the security services. But the numbers have since declined, with only 615 considered dangerous at the last count – up from 730 in January 2018.

In addition, there is also 521 people “It has attracted the attention of the security services but it remains they have not reached the stage of being considered dangerous ”.

Soccer Football - Euro 2020 - Supporters Rally for Germany vs Hungary - Munich, Germany - June 23, 2021 Police officers in Munich ahead of the REUTERS / Andreas Gebert game
Soccer Football – Euro 2020 – Supporters Rally for Germany vs Hungary – Munich, Germany – June 23, 2021 Police officers in Munich ahead of the REUTERS / Andreas Gebert game

Chancellor Angela Merkel allowed the entry of more than one million asylum seekers since 2015, a decision that fueled the rise of the far-right party Alternative for Germany (AfD), which denounces that the influx poses a greater risk for security.

But beyond the Islamist attacks, there have been other attacks by people with knives. In October 2017, a man armed with a knife randomly attacked passers-by in central Munich, slightly injuring eight people. Police ruled out terrorism as a motive after arresting the alleged perpetrator.

(With information from AFP)

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