Miami collapse: new data on the 9 missing Argentines | Two families and two single people, among those wanted by the rescuers


Rescuers, firefighters and police continue to search for 159 people, including nine Argentines, who remain unaccounted for after a 12-story building collapsed in the US city of Miami, where four people died and 35 were injured.

The Argentine Ministry of Foreign Affairs has informed Page | 12 that in the missing there is 9 Argentines who were staying in this building. They are a family of four, who are joined by a relative from Uruguay; a family made up of three people and two other single people.

For the moment, it has been possible to identify that the Argentines sought are Andrés Galfrascoli, a 44-year-old surgeon; your partner Fabien Nunez, 55; Yes Sofia galfrascoli Núñez, 5 years old, daughter of both; while the other person has been identified as Manuel Lafont, older.

The other missing family is made up of the architect Andrea Cattarossi, his sister Graciela and her 6-year-old daughter, who resides in Miami, and their parents, Gino Cattarosi 86 years old and Graciela from 82.

At the time of the collapse, the family would have been in the fifth floor of the Champlain South Tower. Andrea, a mother of three, had traveled to Miami to visit her sister.

On social networks, different users shared the photo of Graciela and her daughter, as well as a contact email to obtain any type of information on their fate.

Argentine consul in the US city, Leandro Fernández Suárez, said in public statements that they were “in contact with Miami County authorities.”

“They called (Argentines at the consulate), I was in contact with Argentines who are in neighboring buildings and also with Argentines who were in the building and were able to leave because they were entering at the time of the collapse, ”he said. mentionned.

The collapse occurred near Miami Beach, in a building located a few blocks from the neighborhood known as “Little Buenos Aires”, where many Argentines who emigrated in 2001 reside. Champlain Tours complex, located at 88th Street and Collins Avenue. , in Surfside.

Firefighters and rescuers work very early on in search of survivors in the middle of an immense quantity of rubble to which the mass built in the early eighties has reduced, a few meters from the beach.

Regarding the reasons for the collapse, the governor of the US state of Florida, Ron De Santis, indicated that they do not know “if the building has been compromised in its structure” and revealed that “they are doomed. to save people who might be trapped. “

More than 80 fire teams are carrying out an impressive search and rescue operation.


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