The official U.S. UFO report that the Pentagon documented found no explanation for various sightings.


A preliminary report by the US National Intelligence Agency warned that “there is no explanation for the phenomenon of unidentified aerial objects.”

The North American government, through the Office of the National Intelligence Director, released a preliminary report in which it warns that Authorities have yet to find an explanation for nearly all of the unidentified aerial phenomena reported in nearly two decades of investigation by a Pentagon task force.. This is a new addition that likely fuels theories that Earth was and may be visited by aliens.

the document consists of 143 reports collected since 2004 which “remain unexplained”, warned the organization led by April Haines, national director of intelligence. 21 reports of unknown phenomena involving 18 episodes perhaps they demonstrate technological capabilities unknown to the North American country. Among them are objects that move without observable propulsion, or with an acceleration so fast that it is unjustified by science, and it is even thought to exceed the capacities of Russia, China or other nations with this type of capacity.

As determined by American researchers, there is no evidence that any of the events involve any secret weapons programs conducted by the United States or technology from countries that have advanced technology, although the intelligence agency’s preliminary report does not rule out this possible explanation anyway.

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Officers sketched out a plan to develop a better observation program and collect data on future unexplained phenomena, such as related to potential sightings of unidentified flying objects or UFOs.

From what has been said by The New York Times, the lack of a specific conclusion on these episodes “has raised questions about the seriousness with which the US government has taken these reports and whether enough scientific experience has been gathered to assess them in depth.”.

High impact unexplained incidents include three videos of aerial phenomena documented by the US Navy and seen by many of its best drivers in recent years.

Former officials involved in various Pentagon developments reportedly warned government would deal first with congressional demand to present unclassified report on what is known about UFOs. To do this, they said, they will inform parliamentarians within 90 days and periodically, with the intention of joining forces to develop a better information gathering strategy and present a “technical roadmap” – thus called by intelligence officials – to be able to better observe this type of phenomenon, according to what the organization told reporters on Friday.

One of the objects seen would be triangular
One of the objects seen would be triangular

Scientific experts and enthusiastic amateurs have advanced explanations ranging from the mundane to the supernatural and the report didn’t do much corroborate O Throw away conspiracy theories.

When submitting the preliminary report, Government officials were reluctant to acknowledge the potential that the phenomena could be extraterrestrial spacecraft, indicating the likelihood that they considered this explanation possible..

There was no affirmative evidence that the unexplained phenomena are extraterrestrial spaceships in the report. It is believed that because the government has provided no explanation for many episodes, the new report is sure to fuel the enthusiasm of those who think they might be.

There is, however, some uneasiness on the part of the Pentagon and intelligence agencies in using the term UFO, and they prefer to speak of UAP in English, which translates to Unidentified Aerial Phenomena.. This is a rebranding, both to reduce the interest and enthusiasm of those who follow the subject closely, and of fans who subscribe to the theory of alien life.

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The document speaks of five categories of possible explanations of the phenomena: nail secret technology developed by an opposing power like Russia and ChinaClassified and cutting edge American technology, a natural phenomenon, some kind of mess in the air like wandering weather balloons and one “totecatch all, another possible category. The latter group could include alien technology.

We also know that Pentagon hopes to examine historical data collected by radar to find more similar incidents, slipped a senior official of the US government.

The authorities clarified that observed 144 unexplained incidents and they were able to reclassify one as an example of “mess in the air”. Not progressing in one of the others is a reflection of a lack of data, but also the lack of scientific intellectual capacity to examine the problem.

Since the end of the 1960s, most scientists and academics have turned away from UFO studies. His reluctance has hampered the government’s ability to end alien conspiracy theories.


U.S. intelligence has found no evidence that spotted UFOs are alien technology, but they don’t rule it out either.
What one of the most prominent astronauts said about UFO sightings
They leaked video of UFO in California and Pentagon confirmed its veracity

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