Before being sentenced for the murder of George Floyd, Derek Chauvin broke his silence


Derek Chauvin at the final trial hearing (Photo: REUTERS)
Derek Chauvin at the final trial hearing (Photo: REUTERS)

Before being sentenced, the old cop Derek chauvin this Friday offered condolences to the family of African American George floyd, for whose murder he was sentenced to 22 and a half years in prison.

“There will be some information in the future that you may be interested in and I hope that will give you some peace of mind in some way.”Chauvin said, speaking to Floyd’s family, during the final session of his trial at a Minneapolis courthouse. “At this time, due to additional legal issues, I am unable to make a full formal declaration.“Chauvin told the Minneapolis court. “But briefly, however, I want to offer my condolences to the Floyd family.“, He added.

After his brief words, the hearing was interrupted briefly before the sentence was read.

Chauvin reacts to the sentence handed down by the judge (Photo: REUTERS)
Chauvin reacts to the sentence handed down by the judge (Photo: REUTERS)

These are the first words you hear from Chauvin in court after refusing to testify during the trial which lasted six weeks between March and April.

Chauvin spoke after Floyd’s family, prosecution, defense and his own mother will offer a few words during this session, before hearing the sentence.

The former agent remained seated on the dock at all times wearing a COVID-19 mask and, when everyone was done talking, He walked up to the podium and took off his mask to make his statement.

The former police officer was convicted of involuntary second degree murder; third degree murder; and second degree manslaughter. Prosecutors asked 30 years in prison, while his defense requested parole.

The second degree involuntary murder charge contends that Chauvin assaulted Floyd with his knee, unintentionally resulting in his death. The third degree murder charge indicates that the then police officer acted with “depraved mind“, And manslaughter indicates that Floyd died of”culpable negligence”By Chauvin.

Floyd died on May 25 last year after Chauvin pressed his knee to his neck for more than nine minutes, sparking a wave of protests and race riots in the United States since the assassination of Martin Luther King in the late 1960s.

(With information from AFP and EFE)

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Derek Chauvin, the former cop who murdered George Floyd, was sentenced to 22 and a half years in prison

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