Alert for the Delta variant of the coronavirus | Global case rebound


The expansion of the delta variant of covid-19 has forced several countries to apply new restrictions, specialists and health authorities say if preventive measures are not taken the strain could cause a new wave across the world . Since Friday, Israel has reimposed the use of masks in closed public places. While Australia bordered neighborhoods in the greater Sydney area.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the coronavirus pandemic is slowing: the number of new cases is the lowest since February, and the death toll has also fallen. However, the delta variant first identified in India is putting countries like Portugal, Indonesia, Russia, Spain, UK and Germany on alert. The strain began to spread in April and is present in at least 85 countries, although with disparate percentages, according to the WHO.

Delta variant

In Europe, the Delta variant quickly spread to the UK, particularly England, where it was currently detected in 95% of tests performed, according to data from Public Health England. This trend could spread to the rest of Europe according to the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) which estimates that the variant will account for 70% of new infections in the European Union in early August and reach 90% by the end of August. . this month.

This is because the Delta variant is between 40 and 60% more transmissible than the Alpha variant, a more contagious strain that spread to Europe during the first wave of the pandemic. This week, the ECDC warned that “if non-drug measures are relaxed during this (boreal) summer … there could be a rapid and significant increase in the number of daily cases in all age groups.” According to the agency, this would lead to an increase in hospitalizations and deaths which could even reach “the same levels as in the (boreal) fall of 2020 if no additional measures are taken”.

Israel and Portugal

The Israeli health authorities had relaxed the measures and from June 15 the wearing of a mask was no longer compulsory inside and outside. However, given the release of the Delta variant, this Friday Israel reinstated mandatory use of masks in closed public spaces. This week, authorities recorded more than 100 new daily cases of the virus with a peak of 227 cases on Thursday.

Portugal it also halted the phasing out of sanitary restrictions due to the expansion of the Delta variant. The health authorities have even toughened the measures in Lisbon. In a neighboring Iberian country, a student trip to the tourist Balearic Islands caused a large hotbed of infections. In the Madrid region alone, 320 young people have tested positive and two thousand more have had to be isolated, although regional health sources say it is the British variant Alpha.


In Australia, where the spread of the virus had been contained, authorities ordered the closure of four areas in the greater Sydney area for a week. For its part, the Australian Medical Association has called for the measures to be extended to the entire city rather than limiting them to a few neighborhoods. The measure was passed after 65 positive cases were detected this week linked to an infected limousine driver as he transferred the crew of an international flight from Sydney Airport to a quarantine hotel.

India and Russia

In India, the state of Maharashtra, whose state capital is metropolitan Bombay, also tightened restrictions on Friday amid fears of a stronger third wave. While Moscow, home of the pandemic in Russia, announced that it would resume mandatory teleworking for 30% of the company’s workers. The country recorded its highest figures in six months and amid a heavy outbreak attributed to the delta.


Germany, for its part, has introduced strict restrictions on travel from Portugal and Russia following the resumption of cases of the delta variant. From Tuesday, only German citizens and residents will be able to travel to and from Russia and Portugal. Airlines and ground transport operators will not be able to carry other passengers. While citizens and residents entering the country must be quarantined for two weeks whether or not they test negative for covid-19. Currently, Germany has a list of 14 countries that it considers high risk, among which the United Kingdom, India, South Africa and Brazil, where the delta variant predominates in the number of case. Institute director Robert Koch said the delta is expected to become the dominant strain by next fall.


In Italy, where 31 percent of the population over 12 have completed the vaccination cycle, specialists have expressed concern about the delta variant of covid-19. Franco Locatelli, the coordinator of the technical scientific committee which advises the Italian government in the fight against the pandemic stressed that although the presence of the Delta strain is limited, “its spread should not be underestimated”. Locatelli said that it is only next Monday that the data on the release of the new variant in the country will be known.


WHO also warned on Friday of rising infections in Africa, where 14 countries also have serious gaps in their immunization programs, with only one percent of their population vaccinated. his third wave of coronavirus. In the Democratic Republic of Congo and in Uganda recorded a rebound in cases and in 12 other countries the Delta variant was the predominant variant in the past month.

Fourteen of the 54 African countries have used more than 80 percent of vaccines through the Covax mechanism and eight of them have already exhausted them. Despite the fact that around 2.7 billion doses have been administered worldwide, just over one percent of the African population has been fully immunized. “With high vaccination rates, a summer of freedom, family and fun is looming for millions of people in the wealthiest countries. It’s understandable and we all yearn for the same joys. But the vaccine shortage is already prolonging the pain in Africa. Africans should not face further restrictions due to the inability to access vaccines that are only available elsewhere, ”Moeti said.


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