They fooled us all! : they confirm that the “record” delivery of 10 babies never existed | the Chronicle


A few weeks ago, the world was moved by the news of a woman who, in South Africa could have 10 babies, who established a new world recordHowever, the news did not have the transparency that was believed to be.

The point is that the government of the South African province of Gauteng has confirmed that after medical examinations carried out on the woman who allegedly had a record birth of ten babies this month, it has verified that the delivery never took place.

“Medical experts have established that Ms. (Gosiame) Sithole has not given birth to any babies lately. It has also been established that she has not been pregnant lately,” the provincial executive said in a statement.

“The Gauteng Provincial Government will continue to provide medical, psychological and social support to Ms. Sithole and provide her with the therapy she needs,” he added. text added.

South Africa: record birth of ten babies and suspicions

The news which revealed the alleged delivery of ten babies was released exclusively by the South African media conglomerate Independent last June 7 and not only has it gone viral in South Africa, but in a few hours he went around the world because it was supposedly a world record.

However, suspicion about the veracity of the event began when an official spokesperson announced the next day that the government I had tried in vain to find the family, and to follow the presumed calving of the stallions.

Sithole went for a check and there the truth was discovered (Twitter).

From that moment the news became a whole ” serial “ media in South Africa, with the family of the alleged father of the decallizos deny the alleged birth and make sure that Sithole his whereabouts were unknown.

The mother, in turn, denied the alleged father in a statement and the author of the exclusive, the journalist. Piet rampedi, even accused the government and the public health system of perpetrating a “Cover of gigantic proportions”.

No institution or other media in the country found traces of the alleged childbirth in any hospital in the country.

Eventually, Sithole was hospitalized for physical and psychological medical tests and these tests showed that delivery did not take place.

Request for an apology

The author of the false exclusivity, for his part, admitted this week that he did not follow the appropriate professional principles in the preparation of the news, and he apologized to his teammates for the damage done in a letter leaked by rival local media such as News24.

Rampedi, who has come under heavy criticism in the country not only for publishing fake news but for having tried to maintain him later with unfounded accusations, will be investigated by the prosecution at the request of the Gauteng government.


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