five moments of tension that has public health in suspense


First patient with the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2

On Sunday 20 at around 5 p.m., the Ministry of Health communicated via its Twitter account that the national reference laboratory ANLIS-Malbrán detected the delta variant of SARS-CoV-2a in a positive man from the United States.

“This is a 26-year-old man who arrived in the country on June 4 from the United States. Upon arrival, the passenger had a negative PCR performed 48 hours prior to travel, and upon entering the country, presented a positive antigen test and the sample was referred to the reference laboratory for analysis. genomics, ”the entity added.

Five days earlier, the WHO had reported that “the variant of concern” had already been detected in more than 80 countries.

Concern in the province for the delta variant of SARS-CoV-2

This Wednesday, Carlos bianco, chief of staff of Buenos Aires, and Daniel Gollan, Minister of Health for this district, expressed concern about the violation of the quarantine by Argentines or residents of abroad.

“We are concerned about the Delta variant, those who break the isolation are irresponsible”, Bianco said, while Gollan, next to him, added that sanctions will be filed against these people because “they put the whole population at risk”.

For the Buenosairean Minister Quirós “it is something that is going to happen”

Friday 25, one day later Horacio Rodriguez Larreta, head of government of Buenos Aires, will report a significant relaxation of the city’s measures, Fernand Quiros, health minister for that district, said devastation from the variant will be inevitable.

“We know that this is something that is going to happen in Argentina, we know that the variant is going to happen and that is why we have stepped up the application of the second doses. It is not a current problem, it is a problem for the weeks or months to come, ”the president said.

For this reason, the holder of the health portfolio recommended to respect the protocols and to avoid travel abroad, and that those who do, that they respect the isolation.

Government measures against the delta variant of SARS-CoV-2

That same day, the government extended until July 9 the continuity of the border closure to tourism and established a quota of 600 people to return to the country, as part of the restrictive measures against the pandemic.

The ban on the operation of terminals and the number of authorized passengers aims to delay “as much as possible” the entry of new variants, in particular the Delta.

The order is issued “in a context of concern about the progress of the variable Delta” of the coronavirus and in view of “the investigation carried out by the authorities which showed that 45% of income did not respect the isolation mandatory on return, “said the manager. National Migration Agency, Florence Carignano.

Cafiero agreed with Quirós

“It is expected that the Delta variant will be widespread in Europe by the end of August and will inevitably arrive in our country,” Santiago Cafiero, chief of staff, explained in a radio interview on Saturday.

Faced with this situation, he indicated that the national government is pursuing measures to “delay this arrival and advance at high speed in the vaccination campaign” against the virus.

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