‘Lamentable and rude’: National Institute of Indigenous Peoples condemned Arath de la Torre ad


The INPI demanded respect for the traditional knowledge and practices of the indigenous peoples of Mexico (Photo: Cuartoscuro)
The INPI demanded respect for the traditional knowledge and practices of the indigenous peoples of Mexico (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

the National Institute of Indigenous Peoples (INPI) demanded respect for the traditional knowledge and practices of the indigenous peoples of Mexico, after the controversial advertisement where the Mexican driver Arath de la Torre promotes a bank loan denigrating the cultural heritage of the Voladores de Papantla.

In the clip broadcast on social networks, the actor compares the loan of services from the Moneyman company to the ritual performed by the Voladores de Papantla; “Do you know what the number of laps the Papantla Flyers give and your first loan with Moneyman have in common? In which the two generate no interestArath de la Torre said in the advertisement.

For the above, The INPI “strongly” condemns the degrading and racist use of the Voladores ceremony, by the Moneyman Company and actor and conductor Arath de la Torre; This, within the framework of its attributions contained in article 6 of the law which governs the institution, among which it is envisaged “to respect, to observe and to promote the multiethnic, multicultural and multilingual character of the Nation, thus than its cultural, social, political and economic diversity ”.

YouTube Entertainment / RIANFRA

In a rude and pitiful publicity, said company, to promote its services for commercial purposes, mocks the pre-Hispanic ritual of the Voladores de Papantla, declared in 2009 intangible heritage of humanity by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco) ”, he declared in the press release published this Saturday afternoon.

He noted that, as established in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, in its Articles 2 and 11, “Indigenous peoples have the right to be free from discrimination in the exercise of their rights“, as well as” to practice and revitalize their cultural traditions and customs. “

Thus the National Institute demanded respect for the traditional knowledge and practices of peoples indigenous peoples of Mexico, their cultures and traditions which “give birth to this multiethnic and multicultural nation”.

The actor compares the loan of services of the Moneyman company with the ritual performed by the Voladores of Papantla (Photo: Screenshot)
The actor compares the loan of services of the Moneyman company with the ritual performed by the Voladores of Papantla (Photo: Screenshot)

He said that after the awkward spread of a tradition rooted in the states of Puebla and Veracruz, demanded that all companies and social sectors not pay for the climate of racism, discrimination and ignorance “How much damage has this caused to our indigenous peoples and communities.”

In addition, he recalled that the fertility ceremony dates back to antiquity in which, with the permission of the God of the Mountain, five young men sought the highest tree and invoking the four cardinal points and the center of the universe, they asked for the return of the rain.

Therefore, it not only represents a fundamental part of the history and roots of the country, but also shows the special relationship of indigenous peoples with Mother Earth and natural resources.

The institution demanded that all businesses and social sectors do not pay for the climate of racism, discrimination and ignorance (Photo: Cuartoscuro)
The institution demanded that all businesses and social sectors do not pay for the climate of racism, discrimination and ignorance (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

The INPI manifests itself in support of the Nahua and Totonac peoples and communities who preserve this ritual dance and demand respect for their cultural rights, ”noted the Institute.

He reiterated that the Government of Mexico, through the National Institute of Indigenous Peoples and transversally with all its dependencies, has established a new relationship of respect and horizontal dialogue with indigenous and Afro-Mexican peoples, put an end to the stage of abandonment, racism and discrimination they have suffered in recent decades.


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