Russia has started distributing Sputnik Light vaccine to its population | It is a single dose and is 79.4% effective against covid-19


Russian health authorities began this Sunday on distribution of the single-dose Sputnik Light vaccine among its population. This was indicated by the country’s Minister of Health, Mikhail Murashko, who was confident in the possibility of having 2.5 million doses by the end of June.

“Yesterday, the control phase ended and the first series of Sputnik Light was put into civilian circulation,” said Murashko, who expects some 2.5 million doses will be available by the end of the year. end of June. “The volume of production is increasing,” he added.

The vaccine, developed by the Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology Nikolai Gamaleya, is a new version based on Sputnik V, which requires the application in two doses of two components with an interval of at least 21 days for complete immunization.

While the immunity achieved by Sputnik V is 97.6 percent, Sputnik Light is 79.4 percent effective from day 28 after its application, as detailed by scientists at the Gamaleya Institute.

Russia currently has four vaccines: Sputnik V and Sputnik Light created by the Gamaleya Institute in collaboration with the Russian Direct Investment Fund; the EpiVacCorona, created by the Vector Virology and Biotechnologies Center and CoviVac, produced by the Chumakov Center.

The last day, Russia registered 21,665 new coronavirus positivesNumbers which were repeated during the week and which are close to the January record. The high number of cases is keeping the Russian government in suspense, which is trying to step up the pace of its vaccination plan.

According to data from Johns Hopkins University on Friday, 180,706,818 people have contracted coronavirus worldwide, while 3,915,163 people have died of the disease and 2,850,296,417 doses of the vaccine have been provided. The most affected country remains the United States with 603,667 deaths and 33,610,235 confirmed cases.


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