Mexico, among the most fragile countries in the world in 2021


(Photo: EFE / Jorge Núñez)
(Photo: EFE / Jorge Núñez)

There are rankings that no nation wants to lead. Mexico has just been ranked number 90 out of a list of 179 nations in the Fragile States Index 2021. The most fragile state is Yemen and the least fragile is Finland.

This ranking is prepared by the Peace Fund (FFP), a Washington, US-based non-governmental organization focused on issuing early warnings for the prevention of global conflicts; it evaluates factors such as spublic security and the militarization of the country, the the polarization of society, the flight of talent, the presence of refugees or foreign intervention.

In your indicator for this year, Mexico has lost eight positions compared to 2020, when it was placed right side up 98, but this would have represented a loss of up to 60 sites compared to the 2019 when it was located at the place 150.

According to the report, Mexico has a rating of 69.9 points out of a maximum of 120, which is a lower assessment compared to the previous year when he scored 67.2 points, with a variation of minus 0.5 points over the past five years and minus 5.2 over the past 10.

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(Illustrations {on the legend of the pants)

Political cohesion

This indicator refers to threats to public security such as bombings, attacks and deaths linked to clashes or separatist movements. In 2021, Mexico got a score of 8.5, down slightly from the previous year, when he obtained 8.8, while in 2019 introduced 1.7.

Divided elites and group demands

In these areas, the country has also managed to maintain its score, achieving 5.4 and 6.3 respectively over the past two years.

Economic strength

This indicator takes into account factors related to public finances, unemployment or economic diversification.

It is In 2021, Mexico managed to slightly increase its score: 5.0; in 2020 4.2; and in 2019, 4.5.

Perception of inequality

Mexico has also improved its perception of inequity. Here, inequalities within the economy are taken into account, regardless of actual performance, as well as opportunities for groups to improve their situation.

In 2021, Mexico scored 5.3; in 2020, 5.0; and in 2019, 2.9.

(Photo: Karina Hernández / Infobae)
(Photo: Karina Hernández / Infobae)

It refers to professionals who leave the country, whether for economic or political reasons, and the consequences this can have on the development of Mexico.

In the 2021, Mexico scored 4.9; in 2020 5.0, while in 2019 4.3.

State legitimacy

This indicator takes into account the representativeness and openness of the government and its relationship with its population.

In this year’s report, the country obtained a score of 5.5; in 2020, 5.6; and in 2029, 2.4.

Public services

Mexico increased by a full point on this indicator, which shows various essential services, such as health, education, water and sanitation.

This 2021, he got 6.9; in 2020, 5.9; and in 2019, 3.8.

Human rights

This indicator analyzes whether there is widespread abuse of legal, political and social rights, such as laws that protect freedom of expression and the lives of all citizens.

In 2021, Mexico obtained 5.8, in 2020, 6.0; and in 2019, 3.8.

(Photo: Galo Cañas / Cuartoscuro)
(Photo: Galo Cañas / Cuartoscuro)

As indicated, in this classification, Yemen ranked first among the most fragile countries in the world, followed by Somalia and Syria, while Finland (179), Norway (178) and Iceland (177) they were located in the last positions.

The methodology of the report was developed by the FFP for 25 years, and it is the only one of its kind to assess the aforementioned factors. The assessment is generated by questions approved by the United Nations, the World Bank and the World Health Organization, among others; In addition, a team of researchers independently examines each of the 178 countries.


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