An attempted rape was videotaped in Apartadó, Antioquia


This June 27, a video began to circulate on social networks where we can see a man who Breaks into the apartment of a young student from the municipality of Apartadó, in Urabá Antioqueño.

In the published images you can see that the man tried to rape the womanr while holding what looks like a sharp weapon.

“Don’t do anything to me, look at me I’m studying”the woman yells threatening her.

The young woman manages to escape by the stairs and asks for help from the neighbors of the apartment unit of the commune.

“Tonight they tried to rape my son’s mother, they entered the house taking advantage of the fact that she was alone. Please help me spread the word to find her capture, she is recording a college video, thank goodness while this is all happening “, can be read in the original Facebook post by Carlos Mario Estepa Ribero.

Video of the crash scene was recorded on the cell phone of the young woman who was doing work for the university.

El Tiempo reports that Colonel Giovanny Puentes, commander of the Urabá police department, confirmed that the incident occurred on Saturday, June 26.

“This Sunday morning, the young woman’s complaint was received after we were able to locate her. With the data she provided and what can be seen in the video, the potential aggressor is located ”.

In another security camera video, the man can be seen escaping the scene:

According to media reports, the man is 22 years old and He was recently released from a psychiatric center and suffers from mental problems and is being treated in an establishment in Apartadó.

“The evidence that has been collected will be handed over tomorrow (Monday) to a prosecutor who is guiding the case and the case is being worked out”said the man in uniform.

At present we know that the young woman has not suffered any damage, is in good health and she should receive psychological care to deal with the attempted rape.

The Reprograma tu Corazón Foundation unveiled a study on violence against women during the covid-19 pandemic and assured that 1.2 billion women in the world have been victims of this scourge.

In Colombia, according to official figures, since the beginning of the year and until March 2021, there were 158 feminicides and the Prosecutor’s office received 14,711 complaints of domestic violence and 3,877 cases of sexual violence.

For its part, Attorney General’s Office says March 25, 2020 and February 4, 2021 have been received 31,467 calls from women on line 155, i.e. a daily average of 104 calls for help

the regions where there are more cases of sexual violence against women son Bogotá, Antioquia, Valle del Cauca, Cundinamarca and Santander.


Antioquia is the second department with the most murders against the LGBTI population
The Ombudsman’s Office received 47 cases of torture in Colombia in 2021

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