US launches airstrikes against Iranian-backed militias on Iraqi-Syrian border


John Kirby, a Pentagon spokesman, confirmed the attacks (AFP)
John Kirby, a Pentagon spokesman, confirmed the attacks (AFP)

The US armed forces on Sunday carried out airstrikes in parts of Iraq and Syria against Iranian-backed militias, in response to rebel drone attacks on US troops and facilities on Iraqi soil. the Pentagon reported.

The strikes targeted weapons storage and exploitation facilities in two locations in Syria and one location in Iraq, the Pentagon said.

“Following President Biden’s instructions, US military forces have carried out precision defensive airstrikes this evening against facilities used by Iranian-backed militias in the Iraqi-Syrian border region,” the press secretary detailed. of the Pentagon. John Kirby, in a statement, adding that the attacks follow “attacks by Iranian-backed groups that target US interests in Iraq.”

“As tonight’s attacks demonstrated, President (Joe) Biden has made it clear that he will act to protect US personnel.”the Pentagon said in a statement.

The attacked facilities were used by Iranian-backed militias, including Kata’ib Hezbollah and Kata’ib Sayyid al-Shuhada, to carry out drone strikes against US locations.

Estados Unidos está lidiando con una amenaza en rápida evolución de los apoderados iraníes in Iraq después de que fuerzas de milicias especializadas en el manejo de armamento más sofisticado, incluidos drones armados, hayan atacado algunos de losonensesa lassadounidos that are sensitive objects the United States.

On at least five occasions since April, these militias have used small drones loaded with explosives in nocturnal attacks. against Iraqi bases, including those used by the CIA and US special operations units, according to US officials.

Iran – weakened by years of harsh economic sanctions – is using its militias in Iraq to step up pressure on the United States and other world powers to negotiate sanctions relief as part of a relaunch of the nuclear agreement of 2015.. Iraqi and US officials said Iran designed the drone strikes to minimize casualties, hoping not to provoke retaliation from the United States.

Last February, the United States carried out the first Biden administration airstrikes in eastern Syria on buildings belonging to Iranian-backed militias responsible for recent attacks on US and allied personnel in Iraq. .



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