Is Trump returning to the White House? Latest conspiracy theory worries US power


A senior U.S. government official told members of Congress that the conspiracy theory that the former president Donald Trump will be declared again president in august from 2021 raised some “concerns” in the White House.

According to the report cited by the site PoliticsJohn Cohen, the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) top counterterrorism official, revealed the concerns to the House Homeland Security Committee during a members-only briefing.

“The conspiracy theory that Trump will be reinstated as president in August, a theory that Trump himself is said to have promoted”, dice Politics, who cites three US government sources who requested anonymity.

What is QAnon, the pro-Trump conspiracy theory that sparked violence in Washington

One of the committee members, Democratic Representative Elissa Slotkin, asked Cohen during the briefing about how the Department of Homeland Security is tracking the spread of disinformation and conspiracy theories.

Slotkin explicitly mentioned the conspiracy theory that Trump will return to power in August, likely following military coup, a theory that the main American media claimed that the former president would have encouraged among his entourage.

There is “anxiety” in the government before these rumors

DHS is not aware of any specific and credible threats related to the theory surrounding Trump’s reinstatement, according to Cohen. But the lawmaker stressed that Internet discussions on the subject between groups labeled extremists and linked to the former president are being monitored.

Cohen acknowledged that there is “anxiety ”among those responsible for EDS because the hypothesis that Joe Biden’s victory was rigged could provoke a backlash from some extremists, like that of January 6, when Trump supporters invaded the Capitol in Washington.

Politico noted that reports of Trump’s comeback have started circulating the web with increasing frequency. It is mentioned that during the QAnon Conspiracy Theorists’ Conference in early June, Trump’s former national security adviser Michael Flynn claimed that a military coup similar to the one that took place in Myanmar could soon be happening in the United States.

In early June, Trump said that the Republican Party will take control of Congress and the White House “sooner than it thinks”, and that “it will really be something special”. “The Republican Party is stronger than ever, and it’s going to be a lot stronger than it is now. We are going to change it, we are going to change it quickly, ”he told his followers in a video.


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