Countries where you can drive with a Colombian driver’s license


Different versions of the document that certifies drivers of vehicles in Colombia / (Bogotá
Different versions of the document that certifies drivers of vehicles in Colombia / (Bogotá

The driving license is a vital document for those who have vehicles in the country and it is used to travel throughout Colombian territory. But according to national regulations and other countries may be licensed to drive.

This is a document that every car or motorcycle driver must have in his possession in order to use, under Colombian law, his vehicles on national roads.

Some countries allow the use of the Colombian license to drive without problem on their territory as long as the purpose of the trip is tourist.

These are the countries: Argentina, Ecuador, Mexico, Venezuela, Spain, France, United States, Germany, Canada and United Kingdom.

In places like United States, France or Germany Yes, a local procedure or approval must be carried out, as long as the stay is more than one year.

The other countries are nations that require the presentation of the international driving license, which is an approval and translation of the license issued by Colombia by the Automobile Club of Colombia (ACC).

In January 2012, it entered into force Decree 19 of this year that changed the validity of driving licenses in Colombia, directly modifying article 22 of law 769 of 2002, which validated them for life. With this decree, it was determined that driving licenses for private service vehicles will be valid for 10 years, for drivers under the age of 60; five years for people between 60 and 80 years old and one year for people over 80 years old.

In accordance with these guidelines, licenses issued before January 2012 They should be renewed in 2022, according to the Ministry of Transport. This was done so that the renovations were done gradually and over time, not in the same period. For this reason, many people from this year will have to renew their pass as follows:

As it is not necessary to redo the practical and theoretical courses, they will only have to contact the Mobility secretariats to make an appointment with Driver Recognition Centers (CRC) which will perform eye and hearing exams and tests related to reflexes, reaction, coordination, motor skills and even color distinction, exactly the same he did when he first got his license. This examination makes it possible to verify that the necessary minimum physical and cognitive capacities are still in optimal conditions. These must be registered in the Single National Traffic Register (RUT).

After passing this test and passing the exams, the traffic secretary or the Comprehensive Mobility Services Consortium (SIM), entity in charge of the licensing process in Bogotá, will receive your payment. In the Colombian capital, for the permit for passenger cars, the value is 85,900 pesos and for motorcycles 145,500 pesos, by 2021.

As explained by the Guide to procedures and services, it is mandatory to be at peace and safe in fines and traffic violations to complete the renewal process. When starting the process you must have your citizenship card or password and for foreigners you will need a valid passport or password granted by the authorities.

Remember that this procedure can only be done in Colombia because, as explained by the Ministry of Transport, the validation of the medical expertise is required in a Recognition Center approved by this portfolio of the National Government and its presence before the Transit Agency. Finally, for the elderly who have to renew, priority will be given to them so that they are taken care of immediately in all areas of the process.

Keep in mind that in Colombia to be able to have a driving license for a private car, you must be 16 years old to start the necessary courses in driving schools regulated by the Ministry of Transport. For the public license, you must be at least 18 years old.

If you have questions about losing license (where you don’t have to retake the exam but request the copy) and other questions, you can enter www.minstransporte / frequently-asked-questions / and see the licensing section.


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