Violence in La Macarena: massacre of five people reported


The victims were all men and were attacked by several armed individuals in this area, located an hour and a half from the urban center of San Vicente del Caguán.  EFE / Archives
The victims were all men and were attacked by several armed individuals in this area, located an hour and a half from the urban center of San Vicente del Caguán. EFE / Archives

In which was the massacre 45 of 2021, five peasants were murdered on the sidewalk The saw, near the municipality of San Vicente del Caguán, but in the jurisdiction of La Macarena (Meta), on the night of June 26, according to reports from the departmental authorities.

With this recent act of violence, the country has reached a toll of more than 170 victims in the first half of 2021, according to statistics from Indepaz, a social observatory that monitors the conflict in the regions.

Police found a message allegedly attributed to East Block of Farc, who claimed responsibility for the massacre:

These men were executed for accounts pending with the FARC-EP.

The sign sign Edison Five Thousand Eastern Bloc Front.

It was residents who reported the massacre to the authorities on the night of June 26.

Aware of the facts, the mayor of San Vicente del Caguán, Julián Perdomo, issued a statement in which he condemned the facts in addition to providing details on the public order situation: “There was a massacre, unfortunately five people were murdered, peasants in the village of La Sierra, which is located an hour and a half from San Vicente del Caguán.”

Perdomo added that “As mayor of this municipality I firmly reject these acts of violence which generate pain and uncertainty and as mayor i defend the life of our peasants”.

For his part, the governor of Caquetá, Arnulfo Gasca, addressed a message to the illegal armed groups which operate in this region of the country to stop the acts of violence: “In the department we want to live in peace and that we reject all these acts of violence”.

For its part, the Institute for Development and Peace Studies (Indepaz) said on Twitter “Massacre 45 took place in 2021. 5 men were murdered in the village of La Sierra in the municipality of San Vicente del Caguán, Caquetá.

Mayor denounces social cleansing in San Vicente del Caguán

Julián Perdomo admitted that in recent months, acts of violence have increased in the rural area of ​​the municipality.

the operating mode recurs in every act of violence: the bodies of the victims appear with signs, signed by illegal armed groups present in the area claim responsibility for the crimes, pointing out that apparently the rules imposed by said actors have been broken, in what is a grim example of “social cleansing”.

This led to the rejection of the local president who proceeded to denounce the practice. Although he was not clear on the motives for the massacre, Perdomo raised his voice for what has become a systematic practice of violence: “We do not agree with this, because the monitoring bodies do not. must in no case be prosecuted.. Justice must not be served on behalf of those who belong to criminal organizations», Underlined the president.

It should be noted that the Caquetá police have established that the area is not under the jurisdiction of San Vicente del Caguán but of La Macarena (Meta), which motivated the governor of the said department to take the floor by offering a reward of 50 million pesos to anyone who would provide information allowing the capture of the perpetrators of this massacre.

However, Julián Perdomo reiterated that the Las Sombras is part of the municipality of San Vicente del Caguán and that on June 28 a Security Council will be held to analyze the events and stop the escalation of violence in the region..

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