Mystery in Caribbean tourist paradise: they found adrift ship with 20 dead on board


Reference photo, file (Reuters)
Reference photo, file (Reuters)

Unmanaged vessel with 20 bodies inside was found by group of fishermen near one of the heavenly destinations that attracts tourists to the Caribbean Sea.

Workers alerted police after seeing a drifting ship on the morning of Thursday, June 24, and the discovery has generated all kinds of speculation, although none has yet been confirmed.

Island authorities say investigators ruled out the idea of ​​murder, but the identities and origins of the deceased are part of the investigation which attempts to determine what happened on board. Police Commissioner Trevor Botting said: “My investigators are working to establish their identities and how they were killed.”

Botting also said: “In dealing with this situation, I would like to pay tribute to my police team in Gran Turco and to those from Health and other TCIG agencies who helped recover the bodies. This incident was a human tragedy and a very poignant scene.

They argue that the ship did not have the Turks and Caicos Islands as its final destination, and it was a foreigner.

Turks and Caicos is a destination of attraction for Haitians trying to escape the poverty of their nation, but also It is a place used as a transshipment point for human traffickers.

Turks and Caicos is known for its tourist havens, for being a tax haven and also for attracting workers from neighboring countries, who are looking for a job opportunity.
Turks and Caicos is known for its tourist havens, for being a tax haven and also for attracting workers from neighboring countries, who are looking for a job opportunity.

In June 2020, Srikajamukam Chelliah, a Canadian citizen born in Sri Lanka, was found guilty before a judge in the Turks and Caicos Islands and sentenced to 14 months in prison.

He was then extradited to the state of Florida and sentenced to an additional 32 months for conspiring to smuggle into the United States the previous year, where he was found directing a ship bound for the United States, with 158 people on board, including 28 Sri Lankans.

Trevor Botting addressed the audience, sending his condolences to the families of the victims: “Whatever the circumstances, this is a tragic situation in which many people have lost their lives and the thoughts and prayers of the Force support families who have lost a loved one. We will do our best to identify them and communicate with their families.

Turks and Caicos Islands Police Press Release.
Turks and Caicos Islands Police Press Release.


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