Hurricane Enrique is very close to Jalisco: this will be its trajectory


To the left of this satellite image, you can see the current location of Hurricane Enrique, below the Baja California Peninsula (Photo: SMN / Conagua Clima)
To the left of this satellite image, you can see the current location of Hurricane Enrique, below the Baja California Peninsula (Photo: SMN / Conagua Clima)

Hurricane Enrique It is located early this Monday very close to the coast of Jalisco.

The National Meteorological Service (SMN) reported that the cyclone vortex, category 1 on the Saffir-Simpson scaleIt is located just 75 kilometers from Cabo Corrientes, Jalisco, and 120 kilometers from Punta Mita, Nayarit.

Although it does not yet have an impact on Mexican territory, its large cloud bands will hit the west of the Republic, and will generate in the coming hours very heavy rains in the following states:

* Sinaloa, Nayarit, Jalisco, Colima, Michoacán and Guerrero: torrential rains, 150 to 250 millimeters.

* Chihuahua and Durango: heavy rains, from 75.1 to 150 mm.

In addition, due to its proximity to the mainland, Enrique will cause unfavorable sea conditions throughout the day, mainly in the coasts of Nayarit and Jalisco, where waves six to eight meters high and winds of up to 90 km / h are expected. A strong swell is also expected in Colima and Michoacán, from three to five meters, as well as Guerrero and Baja California Sur, up to four meters.

At the same time, the gusts of wind will be very intense on the coasts of Sinaloa, Colima and Michoacán, in the order of 60 to 70 km / h.

Seawater entered restaurants and premises on the Manzanillo coast this Sunday, June 27 (Photo: REUTERS)
Seawater entered restaurants and venues along the Manzanillo coast this Sunday, June 27 (Photo: REUTERS)

Notices and Alerts

Due to the anticipated effects in the west of the country, the SMN has issued the following advisories:

* Hurricane prevention zone: from Playa Pérula to Cabo Corrientes, both in Jalisco.

* Hurricane Effects Watch Area: from Manzanillo, to Colima, to Playa Pérula, Jalisco.

* Prevention zone due to the effects of tropical storms: from Punta San Telmo, Michoacán, to Punta Mita, to Nayarit.

* Tropical Storm Effects Monitoring Zone: from Punta Mita to San Blas, both in Nayarit.

For now, Enrique is recording maximum sustained winds of 150 kilometers per hour, with more violent gusts of 185 kilometers per hour. If its holds exceed 153 km / h, the system would become a Category 2 hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson scale; however, the SMN has indicated that it does not expect an escalation.

General view of the coast of Manzanillo, during the passage of hurricane Enrique on June 27 (Photo: REUTERS)
General view of the coast of Manzanillo, during the passage of hurricane Enrique on June 27 (Photo: REUTERS)

Several alerts have been activated from the National Civil Protection System:

* Orange alert or high danger due to approaching cyclone: ​​center, west and south of Nayarit; northwest and southwest of Jalisco.

* Yellow alert o moderate danger due to the approach of the cyclone: ​​east of Nayarit; center, south and south-east of Jalisco.

* Yellow alert or moderate danger due to a receding cyclone: ​​west, south, north and center of Colima.

* Green alert o low danger due to the approach of the cyclone: ​​north of Nayarit; southern Sinaloa; north and northeast of Jalisco; south of Durango; south of Zacatecas.

* Green alert or low danger of receding cyclone: ​​west, northwest, south, southwest and southeast of Michoacán.

* Blue alert o minimal danger due to the approaching cyclone: ​​central and south-central Sinaloa; downtown Zacatecas, west and downtown Durango; west, center and south of Aguascalientes, south of Baja California Sur.

* Blue alert o minimal danger due to the distance of the cyclone: ​​southwest and northwest of Guerrero; north and central Michoacán.


Enrique is located very close to the coast of Jalisco, but he will not yet reach land. If it maintains its course and course, it is estimated that it will impact Baja California Sur in the form of a tropical storm on Wednesday, June 30, before 1:00 p.m. By then, its winds will have weakened and will be between 65 and 118 km / h.

According to the report released by the SMN, the tropical cyclone will continue to advance northward in the coming days, moving parallel to the Mexican coast, until it hits the southeastern Baja California peninsula.


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