Delta Variant: Australia returns to containment and use of chin straps | Faced with an epidemic of covid-19 cases


Australia suffers from repels cases of the coronavirus caused in particular by Delta variant. To prevent the spread of the virus, the government has increased restrictions -conclusions and feedback on the use of the chinstrap in public spaces- in different regions of the country.

“The pandemic is still there. I certainly understand the frustration of people (…) But how should we move forward? Are we giving up?)” Prime Minister Scott Morrison said on Monday.

The towns of Sidney and Darwin both started a strict isolation, while in Perth Yes Brisbane the compulsory wearing of a mask. Authorities in Perth have warned they are not ruling out imposing strict containment after a resident tested positive for the coronavirus after being in Sydney, where the outbreak began more than a year ago. week.

At Sidney, where I already know accumulate 130 cases, the insulation was decreed for a period of two weeks, while in Darwin it was only supposed to last 48 hours, but it was decided to extend it until next friday.

“The risk has increased in the last 24 hours. We are now entering an extremely critical period. We must continue to limit the time to surround the virus,” said the head of government of the northern region of Australia, Michael. Gunner.

The pandemic is gone 910 dead in the oceanic country and accumulates a total of 31 thousand cases.

Slow vaccination in Australia

Covid epidemic puts pace of Australian vaccination campaign under magnifying glass: until, fully immunized 5 percent of its 25 million people.

The Prime Minister announced after a cabinet meeting in Canberra that all nursing home workers should have at least one dose of the vaccine by September to be able to work.

As the ABC public information network reported, the move drew criticism because the vaccination of nursing home workers – with at least one dose – was due to be completed in March.

The entrance to the delta variant

Treasury Minister Josh Frydenberg said the epidemic represents “a new phase of the pandemic” and warned that the Delta variant is “more contagious and dangerous”.

The first case of the Delta variant was detected in Sydney in the middle of this month. It was about a limousine driver – who apparently refused to wear a chin strap and was not vaccinated – who carried crew members on an international flight.

NSW Head of Government Gladys Berejiklian alerted reporters in Sydney on Monday after reporting the 18 new local infections – including 15 driver-related – that “we need to prepare for the numbers to swing and that they increase considerably ”.

The rest of the states in Australia where no coronavirus cases have so far been reported limited travel to their jurisdictions areas affected by the virus to prevent contagion.

According to Australian Medical Association vice-president Chris Moy, the Delta variant “has won NSW contact trackers and dependence on them, as well as the delay (of containment) of days. caused this spread in the country. “

“It’s a different beast. We have to go hard, really it will be our best chance,” recommended the doctor in dialogue with the Sydney Morning Herald.


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