Miami: relatives of missing couple received dozens of calls from phone in collapsed building


Arnie and Myriam Notkin’s family received 31 calls from the couple’s landline in their room (Univision)

According to the latest report provided by Miami-Dade County Mayor Daniella Levine Cava, 151 people are still missing after the collapse of the Champlain Towers condo in Surfside, in South Florida. Among them are Arnie and Myriam Notkin, 87 and 81, respectively.

That of the Cuban-Jewish marriage is not just another story. As reported by the channel Univision, Jake samuelson, the couple’s grandson, said that since last Thursday, the day of the building’s tragic collapse, the family received mysterious landline calls from Arnie and Myriam in unit 302 of the building.

They had the phone by the bed. On Thursday, the family received 16 communications, and Friday 15. They were all the same: when they answered, no one was speaking on the other side. The only thing you could hear was the ambient sound.

From the first moment, the authorities were aware of this information. But already on Saturday, two days after the collapse, the family has not received any more calls.

On weekends, the Commissioner of North Miami Beach, Makeshift smoker, who grew up with the three daughters of the Notkins, told the Miami Herald What “It would be a miracle” to find them alive.

The local official said Arnie was highly regarded in the Miami Beach community, where he was a physical education teacher at Leroy D. Fienberg Elementary School in South Beach, in the 60s and 70s.

Arnie and Myriam Notkin among those missing after Miami apartment building collapse
Arnie and Myriam Notkin among those missing after Miami apartment building collapse

Brian Gadinsky, 64, who graduated from that school in 1969, argued that Arnie was more than a physical education teacher: “It was the teacher that if you saw in the hallway you were happy, you were smiling. You didn’t look away or try to hide in the bathroom. “

The same way he remembered those years Sand arbor, 57: “I only remember that he was a very dear and courageous human being. He had a lot of life in him. Because he loved what he did so much, that’s why we loved him ”.

He also said that over the past two decades I have often seen the couple at Cuban Jewish events. Miriam is Jewish and Cuban. In the 1950s, they lived on the island for a few years, then moved to Miami. In the state of Florida, she worked as a banker and real estate agent.

They both love Latin music, especially Cuban. Myriam frequently shared videos of the events they attended. However, this custom has changed recently, since During the pandemic, the couple remained isolated in their apartment.

There are more and more stories of missing people and people who survived the collapse, such as the case of 72-year-old Steve Rosenthal, which related to New York Post how he managed to save himself “by a miracle”.

Five days after the collapse, the death toll rose to 10, Levine Cava announced on Monday: “This morning we recovered another body. This brings the count to 10. The total number of people found is now 135. And the number of missing, 151 ”.

In addition to the bodies, rescuers found remains incomplete humans that forensics is trying to identify.

Rescue teams continue to search the rubble for survivors (EFE / Cristóbal Herrera)
Rescue teams continue to search the rubble for survivors (EFE / Cristóbal Herrera)

For reasons not yet determined, the northeast wing of the Champlain Tours building, inaugurated in 1981 and comprising a total of 136 apartments, it collapsed within seconds at 1:30 a.m. (6:30 a.m. GMT) on Thursday, June 24, while its residents were sleeping.

The mayor said search and rescue operations were continuing and thanked the rescuers for their tireless work since the day of the collapse.

Fifty-five apartments have been turned into a mountain of rubble where today more than 240 people have worked against the clock in different tasks, but with one priority: finding survivors.


Miami collapse: 10 dead confirmed after finding another body in the rubble of the building
The moving story of a Miami collapse survivor who was “miraculously” saved
An official saw the structural damage report on the building that collapsed in Miami in 2018, but said it was “in very good condition.”

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