Tensions continue in the Black Sea between Russia and NATO countries: the Netherlands accuses Moscow of “harassing” a frigate


The Royal Netherlands Navy frigate on the Bosphorus, heading for the Black Sea (Photo: REUTERS / Yoruk Isik)
The Royal Netherlands Navy frigate on the Bosphorus, heading for the Black Sea (Photo: REUTERS / Yoruk Isik)

The Dutch government on Tuesday accused several Russian fighters of “harassment” and of causing “a dangerous situation” in the Black Sea while flying “dangerously low” and in the vicinity of a frigate of the Dutch navy, carrying out “Fictitious attacks” and disrupting their communication systems.

The Dutch Ministry of Defense has assured that Russian military planes armed last Thursday caused “a dangerous situation near HNLMS Evertsen”, a Royal Netherlands Navy frigate, and noted that they flew “repeatedly and dangerously low and close to the ship, performing simulated attacks” against the frigate.

HNLMS Evertsen was in international waters (south-eastern Crimea) during these harassments ”, he added, on a short note.

File image of a Russian fighter (Photo: Europa Press)
File image of a Russian fighter (Photo: Europa Press)

The incident began at 3:30 p.m. and ended around 8:30 p.m. local time on June 24, “hours of intimidation which produced interruptions in electronic equipment” in Evertsen, and this It coincided with the first two-day summit of heads of state and government of the European Union in Brussels.

In addition, the combatants “were armed with bombs and so-called air-to-ground missiles, intended to shoot at a target from the air”Add Defense.

Russian behavior is a “violation of the right to free use of the sea” and “goes against mutual agreements” designed to avoid hazardous situations in international waters.

“There was no reason for these aggressive actions. Despite this, the mock attacks continued for several hours. It was a behavior irresponsible and insecure at seaDutch Commander George Pastoor added.

Arrival of British HMS Defencer in Batumi, Georgia (Photo: REUTERS)
Arrival of British HMS Defencer in Batumi, Georgia (Photo: REUTERS)

The Dutch Minister of Defense, Ank Bijleveld-Schouten, described these Russian actions as “irresponsible” because the frigate “has every right to navigate there” and “there is no justification for this type of aggressive act, which also unnecessarily increases the risk of accidents”.

In a statement, the Russian Defense Ministry said last Thursday the Black Sea Fleet used Su-30 fighter jets and Su-24 bombers “to prevent the violation of the border of the territorial waters of the Russian Federation” after Evertsen “began to move towards the Kerch Strait”.

In addition, he ensured that the planes “flew at a safe distance close to the Dutch Navy ship”, which then “immediately changed course”.

The Dutch frigate is integrated into the operational deployment of the British Carrier Strike Group, patrolling the Black Sea and training with allies in the region and they visit some ports in the region.

The Carrier Strike Group is the the largest naval and air task force under British command since the Falklands War (1982).

A woman with a portrait of President Vladimir Putin at an official ceremony in Crimea.  REUTERS / Alexeï Pavlishak
A woman with a portrait of President Vladimir Putin at an official ceremony in Crimea. REUTERS / Alexeï Pavlishak

Last week Russian Coast Guard fired warning shots at British destroyer “Defender” when it entered Russian territorial waters near Crimea on June 23, after which Moscow summoned the British ambassador.

So him UK Ministry of Defense He said the shots were fired during a Russian military exercise in the region.

The Royal Navy (Navy) ship “makes innocent passage through Ukrainian territorial waters, in accordance with international law “, indicates a statement of the Defense, in London. “We believe the Russians were carrying out artillery exercises in the Black Sea and warned the maritime community in advance of their activity.”, specifies the note.

While Moscow considers the strip of sea around Crimea to be part of its territorial waters, the West considers that it continues to belong to Ukraine.

Amid the tensions, Russia has denounced allied movements in these waters as “provocateurs,” and Pentagon spokesman, John Kirby has defended that “there is nothing provocative” in the naval maneuvers that NATO and Ukraine organize in the Black Sea.

Naval training in exercises known as Sea Breeze 2020 (Photo: Reuters)
Naval training in exercises known as Sea Breeze 2020 (Photo: Reuters)

The maneuvers, baptized Sea breeze 2021, will gather this year the largest number of troops in its history with more than 30 participating countries, including Ukraine, the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Turkey, which contribute 5,000 soldiers, 32 ships and 40 planes.

The Ukrainian Navy and the Sixth Fleet will be the hosts the exercises, which have been held since 1997, but have grown in importance since the annexation of Crimea in 2014.

(With information from AFP, EFE, Europa Press)


Extreme tension in the Black Sea: Russian ship and bomber fired warning shots at British destroyer

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