The desperate call of the first rescuer to arrive at the Miami collapse has been leaked: the dramatic comparison he made of the place


This Tuesday the audio of the first calls between the rescue forces was played after the collapse of the Champlain Towers building in Miami, last week.

In conversation the operator is heard to alert the emergency personnel of the “parking collapse” of the building located Calle 88 with Av. Collins.

“I see a lot of people on their balconies. The building fell. There is no elevator, ”described the first official to arrive at the disaster site. “Looks like the World Trade Center”, added

Relatives of the missing continue in the vicinity of the place in the hope that their ailments will be found alive (PHOTO: REUTERS)
Relatives of the missing continue in the vicinity of the place in the hope that their ailments will be found alive (PHOTO: REUTERS)

Some people evacuate, they say it sounded like a bomb “, commented the rescuer.


Miami-Dade County Mayor Daniella Levine Cava announced on Tuesday that she would support the state attorney’s office in opening a grand jury investigation into the building collapse. Champlain Towers South, which has so far left 12 dead and 149 missing.

Levine Cava said he spoke to the Miami-Dade district attorney, Katherine Fernandez Rundle. However, he noted that “the grand jury has yet to be assembled.”

Miami Dade Mayor Daniella Levine Cava has announced she will launch an investigation into the incident (PHOTO: REUTERS)
Miami Dade Mayor Daniella Levine Cava has announced she will launch an investigation into the incident (PHOTO: REUTERS)

So far, prosecutor’s office Fernández Rundle has not commented. However, he did announce that he would issue a statement, reported CNN. “We were talking to the prosecutor about the investigation, she has our full support,” said Levine Cava.

I strongly support the grand jury investigation”, Underlined the mayor of Miami. He added: “I pledged my full cooperation in moving this measure forward.”


A grand jury is a group of citizens empowered by the U.S. justice system to conduct legal proceedings, investigate possible crimes and, if found, determine if criminal charges should be laid.

The grand jury, made up of 16 to 23 people, can subpoena or one person to testify. Who asks that a grand jury be satisfied is a prosecutorl, considering that there is sufficient clear evidence to render a judgment.

Miami Bech's panorama changed after the Sufside building collapsed (PHOTO: EFE)
Miami Bech’s panorama changed after the Sufside building collapsed (PHOTO: EFE)

However, the grand jury does not determine whether a person is guilty or not, he is simply saying that there is enough evidence to take legal action.


On the other hand, President Joe Biden announced on Tuesday that he plans to travel to Florida on Thursday to visit the site of the partial collapse of a 12-story building in Surfside..

In brief statements to reporters at the White House before leaving for an event in the state of WisconsinBiden has indicated his intention to attend the scene of the tragedy last week. “Yes I hope. As soon as we can. Maybe as early as Thursday», Answered the president to the questions of knowing if he considered to go to this city of the county of Miami-Dade. The White House subsequently confirmed the trip, which will also include First Lady Jill Biden.

President Joe Biden will visit the site of the collapse in Miami this Thursday (PHOTO: REUTERS)
President Joe Biden will visit the site of the collapse in Miami this Thursday (PHOTO: REUTERS)

White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki reported on Monday that Federal Emergency Management Agency resources (FEMA) and experts from various federal agencies such as the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) or the FBI is also working to help rescue and analyze what happened.


The heartbreaking story of a Miami collapse survivor who was “miraculously” rescued
A letter from Miami Champlain Towers condominium had warned since April of the building’s collapse
Photos of a building collapse in Miami

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