After months of keeping a secret, Vladimir Putin revealed he was vaccinated against the coronavirus with the Sputnik V formula


Vladimir Putin (via Reuters)
Vladimir Putin (via Reuters)

Vladimir Putin confirmed on Wednesday that he was vaccinated against COVID-19 with Sputnik V, after months of keeping the formula he received a secret.

This vaccine is effective. It has no side effects. I think I had to have the longest protection and I decided to get vaccinated with Sputnik V. The armed forces also use Sputnik V and I am the top commander», He replied in an interview with the channel RT.

As detailed, after the first dose in February he suffered from pain in his arm and after the second from fever lines for a few hours. “Twenty days later I was tested and had a high level of antibodies», He underlined.

Putin said that at the time of his vaccination in Russia, there were two vaccines in circulation: Sputnik V and EpiVacCorona. “Both are good,” said the Russian leader, who said that before making the decision he discussed it with his surroundings.

The president also explained that there are 10% of people who fall ill despite having received the vaccine, but pointed out that they are suffering from a mild COVID image. “It is worth getting the vaccine,” he said. Later, the Ministry of Health pointed out that the number of infected people is lower, only 2%.

The Kremlin is seeking to promote the vaccination campaign amid a surge of infections and deaths from the Delta variant. Russia on Wednesday recorded 669 deaths from the coronavirus in the past 24 hours, a record for the second consecutive day. However, the president said he was opposed to a compulsory vaccination campaign, although he asked the Russians to “listen to the experts” and not to the rumors.

Regarding the regions that have made it compulsory for certain sectors, he commented: “The actions of colleagues in certain regions are aimed at the need to avoid confinement, when entire companies are closed and people find themselves without work and without pay. “.

So far in the country, 22.7 million people have been vaccinated against covid.

This Monday in the Russian capital, new restrictive measures entered into force which allow access to restaurants, bars, cafes and mass events only to people who have been vaccinated, to those who have had the disease in the last 6 months or to citizens with a negative PCR test.

The Kremlin Head’s Question Collection Center received over two million questions before the Hotline began. Today is the 18th time that you have used this format to answer questions from citizens. Putin addressed the Russians thirteen times as head of state and four times, between 2008 and 2012, as prime minister.

(With information from AFP and EFE)


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