Horror: the moment a shark attacks a parachutist floating in the water


The moment a shark bites the parachutist. (Video: Youtube / laith majali)

A parachutist landed on the sea, a few meters from a seaside resort of Aqaba, Jordan, when shark jump out of the water and bite the foot. The man ended up with severed tendons, a torn muscle and various broken bones.

As seen in a viralized video, the 37-year-old man managed to escape the animal’s jaw, but was transferred to the Prince Hachem Military Hospital to receive treatment.

The victim was left with severed tendons, a torn muscle and several broken bones. (Photo: Video capture)

Mohammed Khalil Al Zabada, of the Faculty of Marine science, explained that the presence of sharks near the coast of Aqaba is very rare, so this fact scared the various tourists who visit the beaches of Jordan every month.

“Sharks are found in all the seas of the world, and in the Red Sea there are many types of sharks, but their presence in the Aqaba region it’s very rarea, ”Al Zabada said.

In turn, Al Zabada indicated that sharks they don’t usually approach the coast, but are found in deep areas of the sea.

Nayef Al Bakhit, head of the Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority (seated), has meanwhile announced that a investigative committee Reports are circulating about citizens attacked by a shark in Aqaba on Friday evening.

“The committee will issue a detailed statement on what happened as soon as they complete the investigation, ”Al Bakhit said.

Regarding the information about sharks attacking a vessel, Bakhit said that, on the one hand, ASEZA was not informed and, on the other hand, that no sharks seen in the Gulf of Aqaba on Saturday, the day after the man’s attack.

Despite this information, in October 2020, a Ukrainian boy 12 years and one Touristic guide Egyptians have been attacked by a shark in Ras Mohammed National Park in Sharm el-Sheikh.

The boy lost an arm while the guide they amputated a leg.

Mohammed Khalil Al Zabada, from the Faculty of Marine Sciences, explained that the presence of sharks near the coasts of Aqaba is very rare, so this fact has scared the various tourists who visit the beaches of Jordan every month. (Photo: Pixabay)

Two months later, a 42-year-old German woman was bitten by a shark white tip near Marsa Alam in Egypt.


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