“No explanation”: the CIA report on UFOs that puzzles ufologists | the Chronicle


The 144 declassified UFO reports, published by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of the United States, of which many were made by military pilot accounts between November 2004 and March 2021, were recently unveiled and the conclusion they expressed is, to say the least, mysterious: “There is no explanation”they said.

The intelligence service report was released last Friday and revealed more than 120 UFO sightings from U.S. Army ships and fighter jets. For decades, the Pentagon has systematically compiled such reports, which have been recounted in startling detail.

In this way, the only thing the text indicates is that the information is still being analyzed, which has caused various speculations in public opinion. US government scholars are somehow trying to justify these observations, but their lack of concrete, definitive answers sparks speculation about extraterrestrial technology as superior to our own.

Among the terms used in reports of possible aliens and unidentified flying objects are irregular air paths, strange flight maneuvers without propulsion measures, against the wind and without the military aircraft being able to detect any radio frequencies. .

The terms with which they describe these UFO phenomena are so vague and ambiguous, that conspirators and science fiction enthusiasts are fueling their own theories and increasingly giving up to talk about the possible intention to hide the supposed existence of the aliens. .

Arguments related to unidentified flying objects range from causes derived from weather phenomena never before seen or proven by science, to the use of advanced and unknown military technologies being tested by Russia and China, among other allies and “enemies” of the North. American power.

However, the point that most attracts the attention of ufologists and other fans of the alien phenomenon is that of “other explanations”. Thus classified, the section would mention the supposed “alien technology”, as the main cause of these unidentified flying objects.

“Currently, we do not have enough information in our databases to attribute these incidents to specific causes”says the US government statement regarding this alien technology.

Ufologists are not happy with the conclusions

German journalist and ufologist Robert fleischer he assured German media DW by telephone from the office of his association Exopolitics Germany in Leipzig that “we are just this little blue planet in the middle of an infinite universe.

“And there could be anything there”the host said on his ExopolitikTV show, which is streamed on the YouTube channel, which has nearly 100,000 subscribers.

The 43-year-old specialist has studied all of the UFO reports available in five languages ​​and waited for the U.S. military’s UFO report, which was released last Friday.

“I think it will show that there are planes flying with amazing characteristics. With flight characteristics that we cannot explain, superior to us.”He said totally convinced.

Obama’s words about UFOs

Former US President Barack obama He assured last May that the images and recordings of objects in the sky only lead to one certainty: “We don’t know exactly what they are”.

“We can’t explain how they move, their flight path. They didn’t have an easy pattern to explain.”, described Obama regarding the UFOs he saw through various videos.

In order to Hansjürgen Köhler, who works for the Central Research Network for Extraordinary Phenomena in the Sky (CENAP) in Michelstadt, Hesse, Germany, Obama’s comments caused a stir around UFOs. Köhle Köhler has been researching UFOs for over four decades.

“At the end of the day, there is nothing. We have a 97 percent clearance rate. And the remaining three percent are unclear, because there just isn’t enough data.”, condemned, ironically the UFO specialist, who does not believe that these cases have no explanation.

Fleischer reiterated that they do not want “To spread the fact that the Earth is visited by extraterrestrials”, but what they want is that this topic “she is publicly debated to achieve the status she really has, to be examined by scientists”.

As noted, his study center has a direct line for reporting these UFO phenomena. In 2019, calls intensified, but he believes these are the more than 1,600 Starlink satellites already in orbit, with which the company Elon musk, SpaceX, wants to provide Internet access worldwide.

“In 2020, we received a total of 895 reports; 602 of them concerned Starlink satellites” and not to extraterrestrial phenomena, he argued.


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