Government-advising infectologist confessed fears about Delta variant


Luis Camera, infectologist and member of the team that advises the national government, said the Delta variant of the coronavirus “It would be more contagious than virus that we have “and warned against the risk of massive traffic in the Argentina “Because it spreads very quickly. “

The specialist explained that “with the common virus one person infects two people, but with the Delta variant infects 5 “, but at the same time noted that” mortality in the UK is very low although we are in the early days “on the impact of this variant originating in India circulating in this country.

Furthermore, he pointed out that in order to observe how the Delta We would have to wait another 15 or 20 days, he estimated that it mostly infects young people in their twenties, thirties and forties, and said that “no virus in general does much damage at this age”.

“Everyone is very scared; something is going on and we have to control it,” said the doctor and said over time, “we will see scientifically how serious it is.” However, he warned that it is best to take action before the entry of the Delta variant in the country because once the virus it is more difficult to brake.

Asked about the increase in cases of coronavirus, the infectologist considered that “it is worrying”, and declared that 10 days ago during the meeting of the group of advisers with the authorities, “we said that it was necessary to control the flights, and some of us managed a harder line of maintaining the restrictions for a week or two to see if the virus would abate, but the city and province of Buenos Aires had already announced they would open. “

“People felt this and took to the streets, now we are with a small epidemic and I am with hellish rage because it implies that the resolution of the second wave which was going to end at the end of this month or at the beginning next month, now it will last until September ”, he predicted Camera.

At this point, he warned of the risk of boosting travel during the winter holidays in July and recommended that the winter break take place at the end of August “when there will be less. virus“.

“If people go on vacation in July we’re going to have a regrowth, everyone is very worried about the Delta variant but I’m scared of the ones we have which are huge,” he said with concern.

Cámera explained that the mortality “which compromises people of 40, 50, pregnant women, is worrying” and insisted that “there are three variants that are very harsh, especially that of Manos and Andean, they are huge, they are seriously bad; can give us the opportunity “.


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