Miami authorities have announced the resumption of the rescue operation: they are analyzing the demolition of the rest of the building


Surfside Mayor Charles Burkett

After about 15 hours, Miami authorities announced that rescuers They resumed their search for survivors in the rubble of the building that collapsed last week.

This operation was interrupted this morning, local time, due to fears about the stability of the condominium sector which still remains standing, a situation which could once again make it necessary to stop the search for victims.

Faced with this scenario, among the options managed by the authorities in Miami, Florida on the partially collapsed Surfside building, one is complete collapse, confirmed Charles Burkett on Thursday, mayor of the county.

Surfside Mayor Charles Burkett (Photo: REUTERS)
Surfside Mayor Charles Burkett (Photo: REUTERS)

“Let’s put it this way, I think it is understood that if the building is a problem, we will have to eliminate the problem “Burkett said, consulted by reporters, about an earlier interview he had with authorities.

In this sense, the mayor of Miami-Dade County, Daniella Levine Cava, said at a press conference that this decision must be made “extremely careful and methodical”, Taking into account the effect of search and rescue operations, as well as the existing debris field.

The rescue of the victims had to be interrupted this morning for the first time since June 24, due to “movements” in the remaining part of the structure, the authorities reported. At around six in the afternoon local time, rescuers resumed the search operation.

In addition to the movements of the remains of the building still standing, the weather this is a key factor in deciding whether or not to continue the rescue operation. It is that beyond the strong storms which touched Miami these last days, the American meteorological service warned that Storm Elsa is heading towards the Caribbean and could strengthen.

Rescue teams work on June 30 in the partially collapsed building in Surfside (Photo: EFE)
Rescue teams work on June 30 in the partially collapsed building in Surfside (Photo: EFE)

Movements that indicate instability in the building were recorded around 2:00 a.m. (7:00 a.m. GMT), according to Cominsky. In part of the “zero zone”, “6 to 12 inches of movement” (152 to 304 millimeters) was recorded, which it adds to the movement in other parts of the building still standing.

These movements coupled with the displacement of debris raised fears of possible “additional landslides” that could put workers at risk, he said. The firefighter’s spokesperson in Spanish, Erika Benítez, said the engineers are working with experts “to develop new strategies to continue”.

So far, the results have confirmed 18 deceased, including two children. Those missing in the 40-year-old Champlain Towerrs South collapse, a 12-story, 136-apartment building, are 145 to date.

Fifty-five apartments were destroyed in seconds for causes being investigated in the early morning hours of June 24.

President Joe Biden with the Rescue Team working on the Surfside landslide (Photo: REUTERS)
President Joe Biden with the Rescue Team working on the Surfside landslide (Photo: REUTERS)

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, also in attendance at the press conference, said they are already preparing contingency plans to cope The possible threat of Tropical Storm Elsa in South Florida, where he would arrive on Monday, according to some forecasts.

US President Joe Biden and his wife Jill They made it to Surfside on Thursday, north of Miami Beach, where they tried to comfort the families of the victims.

“What they’re doing now is very difficult,” Biden said, greeting first responders. “I just want to thank you. Thank you thank you thank you”.


Miami collapse: Rescue efforts halted due to danger of collapse in rest of condominium
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