the Delta variant does not give up and cases are increasing all over the world


The World Health Organization (WHO), however, warned this week that the conjunction of more contagious variants, poorly immunized populations and the lifting of measures, in particular the use of masks, before better containment of the virus, “will delay the end of the pandemic. “.

The WHO’s European office said today that cases had increased on the continent last week after ten consecutive drops, due to the Delta variant.

“Last week, the number of cases increased by 10%, due to the increase in contacts, displacement and the end of social restrictions (…) There will be a new wave in the European region unless we let’s continue to be disciplined, ”predicted Hans Kluge, WHO director for the Europe region, which includes 53 countries, including Russia.

He added that in August the WHO European region, where 63% of its inhabitants are still waiting for a first dose, “will not be fully immune”, will be in the middle of summer vacation and there will be few restrictions and therefore more risks.

In Russia, in the past 24 hours, there have been 672 deaths from Covid-19, the third consecutive daily record in the country, also punished by the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2, authorities reported.

The country has also recorded 21,042 new cases, and the spread of the virus has prompted President Vladimir Putin to urge his fellow citizens to get vaccinated.

Globally, the pandemic has caused nearly 4 million deaths and more than 182 million infections since December 2019.

In the effort to regain a part of normal, tourist and social life, a health certificate adopted by the countries of the European Union (EU) entered into force today.

The document – a QR code – certifies that the carrier is fully vaccinated with EU-approved vaccines, tested negative in a recent test, or is already immune to having overcome the infection.

The intention is that the certificate will allow travel through the 27 countries of the EU.

The health situation is also deteriorating in various parts of Asia.

In Bangladesh, army and police officers today patrolled the deserted streets of the capital Dhaka and other towns on the first day of a week-long strict lockdown ordered amid a surge of cases attributed to the Delta variant.

Hospitals in the country of 168 million people are overwhelmed, especially in border regions with India.

Bangladesh has accumulated nearly 900,000 infections and just over 14,500 deaths from the coronavirus.

In Indonesia, the government announced today that it will impose severe emergency restrictions to deal with a growing wave of cases, after recording a double record of 24,836 coronavirus cases and 504 deaths in the past 24 hours.

Indonesia, with a population of 270 million, has recorded more than 2.1 million cases and with 58,491 deaths since the start of the pandemic.

Only 2.6% of the population of Bangladesh and about 5% of Indonesia’s are fully vaccinated against the coronavirus.

But the Delta variant also poses problems in countries with high vaccination rates, such as Israel, which today reported its highest number of daily infections in three months, at 307, albeit in the past two weeks. , he recorded only one death.

In recent months, the country has reopened businesses and schools and lifted almost all restrictions after immunizing 85% of the adult population. However, the increase in cases has led his government to reimpose the use of masks in confined spaces.

In the UK, where 85% of the population already has at least one dose, authorities today reported 27,989 cases, the highest daily number since January 29, and 22 more deaths.

Also in Oceania, there is community circulation of the Delta variant, and Fiji today reported a record 431 cases, which already rack up 5,000 and 22 deaths, 95% of which since April.

The Delta variant is already present in 14 countries in the Americas, and its rapid circulation poses a new challenge for fragile health systems in the region, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) said last night.

Argentina, Aruba, Brazil, Canada, Chile, French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Mexico, Puerto Rico, United States, Barbados, Peru and Saint Martin are the nations that have confirmed the new variant, explained PAHO Director Carissa F. Etienne.

In the United States, where there is already community circulation of the variant, California, the most populous state, is one of the hardest hit, two weeks after reopening its entire economy.

Its authorities said yesterday that cases are on average 1,000 per day, an increase of 17% over the past two weeks, despite the fact that 59% of its population receives both doses and 10% a first.

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